Weekly Rundown- Grinding Along

Welcome to the Weekly Rundown, hosted as always by the indomitable Kim and Deborah.  The week started strong, but as it went on things felt harder than usual.  I can’t exactly put my finger on what was wrong, and when that happends the only thing to do is put my head down and keep grinding along.  Here’s how it all played out: Sunday 11 mile long run that felt AMAZING!  I got up super early and was able to complete the first six miles in the dark.  At that point I hardly felt like I had done anything, and all I had was my usual five mile route left.  I finished feeling about 100 times better than I did at the end of last week’s long run. Monday Leg day!  I started with Runner’s Touch exercise and then did the sled, squats, side planks with leg lifts… … and ended with tibialis and calf raises. Tuesday Back to the gym!  I started with the sled… … and then did a 3 mile treadmill run, with hill intervals. Wednesday I had to be home all day to wait for the dishwasher repairman.  Originally they gave us a window of 7 am- 7 pm (seriously?) but luckily the night before were able to narrow it down to 10:30-2:30.  This meant I was able to do my 4 mile run in the daylight. I also got out my pull up bar and did a few sets of negatives- as always, ouch. Thursday The early morning school traffic has gotten a little better, but there’s still a discrepancy between the time I would like to leave for school, and the time my daughter is actually ready.  This gives me more time than I need before we leave, and a little less time than I would like at the gym.  I’ve solved this- for now- by starting my workout at home with things I don’t need the gym for. Runner’s Touch, lunges, side plank with leg lifts at home.  Then, at the gym, sled, squats, deadlifts, tibialis and calf raises. Friday Early morning 4 mile run! Saturday Off.  I was able to sleep in a little before work.  At night, watched Baylor lose, SOB!  Our quarterback was injured in the first game of the season (what kind of luck is that?) and has been out ever since.  Things are not going well. Sunday On tap for today- 12 mile long run!  I’ll start in the dark again to avoid the heat, but I’ll be honest- I think running in the dark is a little creepy and depressing.  I’m not really looking forward to it, although the second half will be in daylight.  Right now running in the dark seems the lesser of two evils, though. Workout-wise it was a pretty good week (although what happened to upper body? Oops.) Football-wise it was a little sad.  Baylor lost horribly, and our high school homecoming game got rained out.  But at least we still have the Dolphins!  A good long run and a good football game are just what I need to shake me out of this funk. How was your week?  Are you loving the start of fall, or dreading what comes after? – September is a hard month in South Florida.  It’s still so, so hot.  It’ll be another month before we can start hoping for a cool down.