Weekly Rundown- Runs, Rest, and Rejuvenation

Oh, hi!  Thanks for stopping by for the Weekly Rundown, hosted as always by our friends Kim and Deborah. I was feeling a little burned out last week, so after my Sunday long run, this week I took it a little easier.  But there were still plenty of runs and workouts, so let’s get right into it. Sunday 12 mile long run!  I got out early and completed 7 miles before the sun was up; then I just had an easy 5 mile loop left.  Great run. In other news, this was a very exciting day, because we adopted some new family members- two affectionate little rats named Kris and Lucy.  I know some people don’t like rats, and I get it.  If you told me about your pet snake (shudder) or tarantula (GAAAAAH!) I wouldn’t want to see a photo- so, to each his own.  If you do want to see photos of the girls, check out this post. However, some people asked how the cats and rats are getting along.  Charlotte is a huge scaredy-cat so she doesn’t go near them, but Muffin likes them… To be on the safe side, she’s only allowed in the room under close supervision. Monday No school today, so I was able to sleep a little later and do an upper-body workout at home.  I got out this thing… and did several sets of negatives (ouch) and also did some extra hanging from the bar, which Wendy recommended to help increase my grip strength.  I also did overhead press with dumbbells, abs, and called it a day.  It was a nice way to start the week.. Tuesday I went to the gym for my “sled-tread” workout- pushed and pulled the sled for ten minutes, then ran 3 miles on the treadmill with hill repeats. Wednesday Back to the gym for leg day!  I started with the sled, then did squats, deadlifts, tibialis raises and calf raises.  Since it was my day off I had extra time so I did benchpress as well.  It was nice to be at the gym and not have any time constraints. Thursday Wait- how many more weeks till we turn the clocks back?  This time it was dark for my entire 4 mile run. Friday My legs were still sore from Wednesday’s workout, so I did a scaled-back leg day this time.  First, sled pushes and pulls for 20 minutes… then all body weight exercises- Runner’s Touch, tibialis and calf raises, plank, and side plank with leg lifts (this one is still SO HARD on my left side!) Saturday 5 mile run before work!  This run started in the dark but after a couple miles the sun was up. Later in the day I watched the Baylor game, or should we call it THE BEST GAME EVER.  Baylor was losing 35-7 at the half and came back to win 36-35.  I almost had a heart attack as UCF tried for- and missed- a field goal in the last three seconds.  Never, ever give up!  Go Bears! Sunday On tap for today- OFF!  Sleeping in!  Waffles!  Dolphins Game!  And… getting out my Halloween decs- it’s time! I enjoyed a cutback week, but I miss doing a long run- which means I’ll be ready to hit the ground running (literally) tomorrow morning. How was your week?  Do you ever take cutback weeks? Who else is getting out Halloween decorations???  It’s officially Spooky Season!