October Coffee Date

Ooooh! It’s October, officially fall, and that means all you pumpkin naysayers can just be quiet! I’m joining Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date, drinking my favorite Earl Grey tea from one of my Halloween mugs (yes, I now have more than one! Why not?) If we were having a delicious Earl Grey tea together, the first thing I would tell you is that I have a new book by my favorite author. Oof! Good thing I’ve been working out, because this book is over 900 pages and it’s HEAVY. I don’t know why we continue the pretense that these mysteries are written by “Robert Galbraith” when everyone knows it’s a pseudonym for J.K. Rowling. I just love this series so much. In this one, Robin goes undercover to infiltrate a religious cult, and I’m enjoying it immensely. There’s nothing better than having a great book to read. The second thing I would talk about is, after my post about wanting a shoe with a wide toe box that’s not zero drop, Susanne sent me this article.. Altra has come out with a non-zero drop shoe! It was just released a few days ago- I DEFINITELY want to try it out! The last thing I would talk about over coffee/tea is, I have my TV sports viewing lined up for this weekend, and it’s going to be a good one! The Baylor game is on Saturday night, and I’m hoping the momentum from our incredible come-from-behind victory last week will carry forward. Then, Sunday morning is the Chicago marathon! GOOD LUCK LISA!! (and Des, and Galen…). I’ll be watching and rooting for all the runners. Lastly, the Dolphins game is Sunday afternoon. Ahem. I have no idea what happened last week, but this week we’re playing the Giants, so barring any major tragedies, we should be able to pull out a win. So that’s three things I’m excited about; it’s a pretty great week! What would you tell me over coffee? I think I’ve asked this question before, but do you have a very favorite author? Who else is watching the Chicago marathon on Sunday?