Weekly Rundown- It was a Win-Win-Win-Win!

Hey, guess what- cutback weeks WORK. After an easier week, I was all set to go on Monday and felt good all week. Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown. Read on for details! Monday I was ready to start the week with a double workout! First, a 3 mile run… Then after I dropped my daughter at school, leg day at the gym. Sled pushes and pulls, squats, deadlifts, tibialis and calf raises, and abs. Tuesday Perfect day for an upper body workout. i got out my pull-up bar and did three sets of negatives (ouch, as always) and did overhead press with 15 pound dumbbells, followed by core . Once again my son’s bedroom has been turned into my “poor man’s home gym.” Wednesday AH! Since I didn’t do a long run on Sunday, I REALLY wanted to do it today (Sundays and Wednesdays are my days off from work.) Wednesdays are tricky because I have to get my daughter to school, and on this day I also had to be home to wait for the dishwasher repairman. But I was undaunted! I ran 4 miles early in the dark, took my daughter to school and went straight to the trail for 9 more (hot) miles- 13 miles total. Breaking it up this way isn’t my favorite way to do a long run, but it worked for today. I got four miles done before it was too hot; I got out on the trail; I got my long run done (leaving my Sunday free); AND we got the dishwasher fixed. It was a win-win-win-win! Thursday I planned either a short run or cross training for today, and I opted for the latter. 20 minutes pushing and pulling the sled… Pulling is actually harder! And then the rest of the time on the stair climber. UGH. People complain about the treadmill, but the treadmill is heaven compared to the stair climber (and don’t try to convince me otherwise!) Friday Back to the gym. Runner’s Touch, , tibialis and calf raises, squats… then rounded it off with bench press and planks. There! I did upper body TWICE this week! Saturday 5 mile run before work. Yes, still hot here. Some days have been upper 80s instead of 90s, but the humidity is still high. Maaaaybe we’ll get a cool down by the end of the month? Or maybe not. Sunday Remember how I wanted to clear my Sunday morning? On tap for today- sleeping in a little, then watching the Chicago Marathon! Woohoo! I’m so excited for all the runners- the weather looks amazing. While they’re running, I’ll be watching and eating waffles. How was your week? Are you having lovely fall weather? – Grr. Did you have a favorite workout this week? – Mine was definitely the trail run!