Weekly Rundown- Into the Inferno

… the inferno that is South Florida in October, of course.  I try not to complain too much about the weather in the summer, because everyone knows summers are hot.  But this week was extra special- 96% humidity?  Feels-like temps of 90 at 5:30 am?  I am not on board with this.  Hopefully this was summer’s last attempt to kill us before finally giving up. But there were still runs and workouts!  Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown.  Let’s just see how this sweltering week played out… Monday Double workout day- I started with a leg day at home.   Runner’s Touch,  goblet squats, Bulgarian split squats, tibialis and calf raises… things I really don’t need the gym for. After I dropped my daughter off I did go to the gym.  I pushed and pulled the sled for 10 minutes and then did a 3 mile treadmill run with hill repeats. Tuesday It’s funny- I’ll do anything I can to get out there and do a long run, in spite of the heat, in spite of schedule conflicts- I can overcome any challenges.  But I had about 1000 excuses NOT to get out my pull up bar this morning.  “My legs are sore- maybe I need a walk to flush them out instead.” Nice try- get out the bar.  “My thumb has been hurting- maybe I shouldn’t risk it.”  Hmm… get out the bar and get started, and you can stop if it hurts. SIGH.  After a tremendous mental battle I got out the pull up bar.  Even hanging from the bar is hard!  Then I did negatives (ouch) and several sets of pull ups, assisted with the band.  Will I ever be able to do an unassisted pull up?  Honestly… probably not.  But at least my back is stronger than if I weren’t trying at all. I also did overhead press (with 15 pound dumbbells) and rounded out the workout with core- planks and dead bugs. Wednesday 14 mile long run!  ONCE AGAIN, I had to split it up because I had a doctor’s appointment.  I ran 4 blissful miles in the dark before taking my daughter to school, then ran 10 more at a nearby park with a grassy trail.  I’m trying to run as much as possible on grass, because apparently there are some big grassy sections in my race. On that subject, a couple people asked me recently when my race is.  Well, that’s a GREAT question!  I’m running the Forgotten Florida 50 mile (eep) and it was supposed to be February 3rd, but they sent an email this week saying that it had to be rescheduled to February 17th.  Luckily that date works for me!  Unfortunately it means I won’t be at the Ft. Lauderdale half marathon that my husband and Darlene are doing the same weekend.  I think I speak for all three of us when I say we’re hoping for some decent weather. Thursday I decided to do a recovery run.  I walked a mile and then ran two miles.  This run left me questioning my plan of eventually doing back-to-back long runs- it was so hard to get moving.  As a matter of fact it left me questioning my life choices in general, specifically my decision to move to Florida twenty years ago. I followed this run with some planking- inspired by the people doing “Coretober,”  I’m trying to get in some core work every day. Friday You know what’s not hot?  The gym!  I did a leg day consisting of sled pushes and pulls, squats, deadlifts, tibialis and calf raises, and rounded things off with benchpress and abs. Someone asked me last week if I’ve increased my weights dramatically lately- no, it just looks like it!  My gym got two new power rack setups, with the really big 10 and 25 pounds weights.  I love it because now I look much more bad-ass. Saturday 5 mile run.  Grr.  To make things a little more pleasant, I used my Orange Mud hydration vest so I could drizzle cold water over my head.  It helped! Sunday On tap for today:  OFF!  Sleeping late, waffles, Dolphins game.  Possibly putting up outdoor Halloween decs if I can stand the heat.  AND THEN… We have a cool front coming our way!!!  Right now the forecasted low for Tuesday morning is 56 (in other words, heaven.) I have a continuous 15 mile long run planned for Wednesday, and if we don’t get this cool down I’m going to be extremely angry, or cry.  Or both.   Keep your fingers crossed for me! Header photo by Andy Watkins on Unsplash