More About Fall

I know what you’re thinking: “Jenny, will you PLEASE stop talking about pumpkins???”  Well, I’ll try not to mention the “P” word, but I’m totally immersed in all things fall right now, thanks to The Girl Next Door Podcast that Stephany recommended. Every year, the girls- Erica and Kelsey- do a “Fall Extravaganza” episode, where they taste test fall treats, talk about their fall traditions, and take a deep dive into fall fashion, decorations, and general fun. When I first started listening, I thought, “This is fun, but it’s kind of silly.  I’ll just listen to this episode and go back to my regular podcasts.”  Usually I listen to shows that will give me information or inspiration- all about health, working out, running… and I felt like The Girl Next Door was kind of frivolous. But I ended up enjoying the episode so much, I’m now going back and listening to all the previous Fall Extravaganza episodes (there are nine of them.). And you know what I realized?  What in the world is wrong with JUST HAVING FUN while driving around, running, or- gasp- even at the gym.  I can listen to something purely because I enjoy it.  Not that I don’t enjoy my usual podcasts, but there’s always a certain amount of “learning” involved.  Screw that!  (for now, at least.) There are enough “have to’s” in life- every once in a while it’s fun to say “I GET TO listen to this fun podcast.” One thing I especially love is that Kelsey and Erica live in Arizona, so their experience of fall is similar to mine.  It’s not cold, the leaves aren’t changing colors, and we can’t go apple picking.  People who live in hot climates have to create their own fall experiences, which is why I get so excited about my pumpkin bowls and scented candles. The other thing I realized is that, for people who live in places like Arizona and Florida, fall is a very festive time of year because it’s a celebration that we made it through the summer.  Soon we’ll be able to open our windows and spend time outside without melting.  It’s a joyful feeling- as opposed to when I lived up north and experienced actual fall.  Then, fall just meant everything died and… sob… winter was coming.  Not anymore!  Fall is the beginning of our most beautiful time of year. In lieu of hayrides, trips to the apple orchard or pumpkin patch, I like to go “fall browsing.”  The other day I went to Gifts and More, which is a great browsing store. The problem is, it’s pretty rare that we get to wear sweaters or sweatshirts this time of year.  If these were tank tops, I would now own all of them. I also enjoyed smelling all the candles, and eventually came away with this little one: … which I lit as soon as I got home.  Not bad for $2.50! My trip to Target was a little odd, as I was greeted by this sight: I mean… it’s never too early for Christmas (in my book.) But it does seem like we used to at least get past Halloween before switching over?  Not to worry, because this meant the fall stuff was on sale! Why yes… I’ll buy some pillows at half price!  I really had to restrain myself from buying a throw blanket for $10… but I might have to go back. Next up… a candle smelling trip to Bath and Body Works (how exciting!) In case you’re thinking, “What in the world does this have to do with running?”  Never fear- on Friday it’s time for Runfessions, and I have a few things to share! Is fall a happy time for you, or is it an ominous prequel to winter? Do you listen to any “fun” podcasts? Header photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash