NaBloPoMo: Belated Introduction and Colbert Questionert!

I’ve noticed that other bloggers are doing a little NaBloPoMo introduction, and every time I read one I think “What a good idea! I should have done that!” Well… better late than never. Here we go: I’m Jenny! I grew up in a suburb of Chicago, but 24 years ago I moved to South Florida to escape my very severe SAD. I’m married and have an almost-21-year-old son and an almost-15-year-old daughter (both my kids have birthdays in December!). My son is a junior at Baylor University and my daughter is a freshman in high school. I work as a massage therapist. This is my second career- up until I moved to Florida I was a professional trumpet player. If you/ve been reading for a while, you may be sensing a theme here. My husband plays the trumpet, my son plays the trumpet, and my daughter broke the mold by choosing flute. I don’t play anymore, but music is a big part of our lives. I love running, reading, and watching football. And I love blogging and reading other people’s blogs! Speaking of which… A couple weeks ago Stephany posted her answers to the Colbert Questionert and I’m stealing the idea from her. Grab a pen and paper and let’s go! Best sandwich?—Several years ago I got a tofu banh mi from a vegan restaurant in Tallahassee- this still stands out in my mind as the best sandwich eating experience, ever. What’s one thing you own that you really should throw out?—The pajamas I’m wearing right now have holes in them, so I should probably choose them! What is the scariest animal?—Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake- deadliest snake in north America (eek!) Apples or oranges?— If it’s a honeycrisp, apple for sure. But if you’re trying to trick me into eating a red delicious, I’ll take the orange. Have you ever asked someone for their autograph?—Hmmm. I think in my youth I got a baseball player’s autograph at Wrigley Field. What do you think happens when we die?— I believe the basic elements that make up the human body- oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, etc.- are absorbed back into the universe. Whether our present consciousness survives this experience intact, is transformed into something different, or ceases to exist entirely is beyond my ability to comprehend or imagine. I also admit the possibility that I could be completely wrong about this. Favorite action movie?— I know this is a stretch but I’m going to say Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 Favorite smell?—It’s a tie between Christmas trees and candy canes. Least favorite smell?—Extremely moldy food that’s been in the back of the fridge for months. Exercise: worth it?—Hell yes! Flat or sparkling?—Sparkling. Most used app on your phone?—message, podcast and weather. I’m pretty boring! You get one song to listen to for the rest of your life: what is it?— Does Bach B Minor Mass count? If so, I’ll pick that. What number am I thinking of?—21. Describe the rest of your life in 5 words?—Don’t waste a single day! Have you taken the Colbert Questionert? Pick one question and answer it in the comment section!