When Life Gets Derailed
You know those times where everything is going along JUST FINE, and then one thing goes wrong and chaos ensues? WELL. My day was going great! I came home from work, had time for a little nap and then headed off to school to pick up my daughter and her friends from marching band rehearsal. I was looking forward to a nice, peaceful night of football, blog reading, and finishing up tomorrow’s post. The kids piled into my car, I turned the key and…. nothing happened. WHAT. NOOOOOOOO! I JUST DROVE here! Everything was fine! After a few more frantic tries I had to conceded that the battery was totally dead. Someone stopped to help and we tried to jumpstart it with no success. Now… I had not just my daughter, but two other kids in the car with me. It was raining (of course it was!) I was WEARING PAJAMAS. I don’t mean “sweatpants that I like to sleep in” but full on, obvious pajamas- the ones in a recent blog post with little pumpkins all over them. And the crowning blow- I was parked in a handicapped space. Now, just to be clear- I don’t make a habit of parking in handicapped spaces. But this was after hours, and it’s common for people to pull into these spaces while waiting to pick up their kids. But I couldn’t leave the car there indefinitely. SIGH. Now let’s look on the bright side: My husband had to go to work, but he had just enough time to come pick us up and drive us all to our house. Once there, I threw pizza in the oven for the kids (who were now stuck at our house instead of being driven home) while calling roadside assistance. Yay for Uber. It was quick, easy and cheap to get an Uber back to the school. There was an event at the school at night, so LUCKILY the gates were still open. Roadside assistance quickly jumped my car with their extra-strong jump box, and I was able to drive straight home. It all could have been much, much worse. When I walked in the door, I discovered that the kids, in my absence, had decided to dye their hair. “Mom! I got dye on my shirt!” “Can you text my mom and tell her I dyed my hair?” “Where’s a towel Abby can use to rinse her hair?” AAAACK! I raced into the bathroom, rescued my special pumpkin hand towels, gathered up red-stained shirts, told the girl to text her own mom, and basically collapsed into a heap. Tomorrow will be a new day. I’ll get a new battery. I’ll get my quiet evening at home. And I’ll get that blog post out, the NaBloPoMo update, one day late. Serenity Now! How was your day? Did anything crazy happen?