Basically the Best Long Run Ever

I’ve had a couple people express horror, astonishment, and concern for my sanity about getting up early on Sunday morning to run eighteen miles. Well, let me explain! In February I’m running a 50 mile race. Although maybe “race” isn’t really the right word. I’ll be making my way 50 miles from point A to point B before the time cutoff. Maybe “event” would be a better word for it, or even better yet, “adventure.” Let’s try this again. In February I’m participating in a 50 mile trail adventure (there, that’s better.) To prepare for it, I’m gradually increasing my long runs. Since the race is a trail race, I run on trails whenever possible. This past Sunday I ran eighteen miles on a trail near my home. I was really worried about the heat (it was in the 70s and 93% humidity when I started), but it turned out to be one of the best long runs I’ve ever had. I got started at 6:30 am and first ran a 10 mile loop (well, actually it was out-and-back, but somehow the trail looks different on the way back so I think of it as a loop.) I had my double hydration vest, so I could carry two bottles. One had water, and one had Tailwind, which is a powder that you mix with water. According to the package, Tailwind has “everything you need.” It has calories, carbohydrates, electrolytes, and the raspberry flavor also has CAFFEINE. Well- I can tell you that somewhere around four or five miles into this run I started to feel AMAZING. Was it the Tailwind? Very, very possible. After 10 miles I ran back to my car to switch out my bottles for cold ones, and went back out for an 8 mile loop. I kept waiting for the heat to get me, but it never did. At one point it even RAINED, just a light sprinkling of cool drops, which is the best thing that can ever happen during a Florida run. I finished the run actually feeling energized, and it wasn’t until after I stopped that I realized “Hey, it’s pretty hot.” I checked the weather and the “feels like” temperature was 89F. HOW DID I NOT FEEL THAT??? I have no idea. I felt awesome. I know it sounds hard, and maybe even unpleasant, but honestly there’s no place I would rather be on a Sunday morning than out on the trail. Do you have any trails near you? If you run, have you ever tried Tailwind?