Twists and Turns

Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate! If you’re not celebrating… Happy Thursday! So our plans for yesterday took a slight detour, when, on Tuesday night, my son announced that he had a scratchy throat. OH CRAP. I told him to sleep in as late as he wanted on Wednesday morning. I was able to sleep until 7 am (woohoo!), eat breakfast, help my daughter dye her hair, and then I went to the gym by myself since my son was still sleeping. That’s okay- I don’t mind going to the gym by myself and I wanted him to rest. I worked out, came home and rolled out the pie crusts, and then my son was up and said he felt well enough to GO GET THE TREE! I love this photo so much- you know you live in Florida when you say “Okay, get your flip flops on, it’s time to go pick out our Christmas tree!” We got our tree, came home and set it up in the stand, and then it was time for pie making. Ahem. WHY is it that every year there’s some freaky problem??? I don’t know why, but the “normal” pumpkin pie did NOT come out well… Meanwhile, my pie came out GREAT! I offered to share my sugar-free, coconut oil-crust pie with my family, and you should have seen the looks on their faces. Ha ha… let’s just say I’ll be running out early on Thanksgiving morning to either buy a vegan pumpkin pie (if possible?) or at least a pre-made crust so I can quickly whip up another pumpkin pie. Sigh. Why are pies so difficult? And… as the day wore on my son felt worse and worse, and he is now (8 pm on Wednesday evening) in bed. I’m hoping he’ll sleep all night and wake up feeling completely better- that’s happened before. If not… well, we’ll deal with it then. Hopefully my Thanksgiving morning won’t include a trip to the grocery store AND a trip to urgent care. But don’t worry about us… we’ll have a nice holiday no matter what. We’re all together, we have delicious food, and the house smells like a Christmas tree! It’s all good. Are you having any unexpected snafus today? Header photo by Mihály Köles on Unsplash