Weekly Rundown- It Was a “Short-Long”
This was one of those weeks that seemed to go by so fast, but when I look back to last Sunday, it feels like a hundred years ago. My son calls these periods “Short-Longs,” short at the time but long in retrospect. I’m linking up as usual with Kim and Deborah for this Weekly Rundown, and of course I’m joining San for NaBLoPoMo. This was a busy week, but workouts happened! Let’s take a look… Sunday To go along with the general theme, this week was a “short long run.” I had 10 miles on my schedule, and I tried to run as much as possible on grass. As I’ve mentioned, my race in February has a lot of grassy stretches so I’m trying to train accordingly. This run felt really good, and then it was home and time for waffles and hanging out with my son! So good to have him home. Monday I did a strength workout at home. Inspired by Suzanne, I decided to try split squats with a barbell. I have a lighter barbell that can only be loaded with 50 pounds- but it was perfect for this workout. I did split squats with the barbell and then Bulgarian split squats with dumbbells. Then I finished up with calf raises and planks. Tuesday 4 mile run! I can’t remember anything about this run- but it looks like it was a beautiful day. Wednesday Well, my son and I had planned to go to the gym together, but he was sick. So I went without him- he said we were going to do squats, deadlifts, benchpress, and lat pulldowns so I followed his instructions! Thursday This was our “Turkey Trot Truant” day, where instead of running a race, my husband and I just went for a run together. 4 fun miles! And then it was a day of cooking and eating! My son rallied. He was sick, but not so sick he couldn’t enjoy the day (unlike Christmas of 2021 when he had Covid and was so sick he couldn’t sit at the table for dinner.) No, this time he was able to eat with the rest of us! Friday 3 mile run… …followed by some bodyweight strength. Runner’s Touch and deadbugs… someone asked last time what “deadbugs” are. Here’s a short video! Saturday Off! My son flew back to Texas early in the morning. Luckily my husband loves going to the airport (for real) so I got up to say goodbye and then went back to bed. I was able to sleep another hour or so before getting up for work. At night, we watched Baylor lose again, this time by a touchdown scored in the last 20 seconds of the game. It’s been a VERY TOUGH YEAR for us Baylor fans. But in the words of Charlie Brown: Just wait till next year. Sunday On tap for today- 20 mile long run! I’m kind of scared. I keep reminding myself how great my 18 miler felt two weeks ago. And I have my Tailwind ready to go! Gulp. So it was a good week. I got a little more sleep because my daughter had no school. In addition to celebrating Thanksgiving, we got our Christmas tree up (how exciting!) Just three weeks till my son comes home again for Christmas break. How was your week? Did it feel extremely long or extremely short?