Still “Between the Holidays” and Black Friday Shopping
Strangely, I can’t seem to fully move on from Thanksgiving. The house is halfway decorated for Christmas, but the Thanksgiving tablecloth is still on the table and pumpkins are scattered here and there. It could be that I’m just lazy- it takes work to de-pumpkin the house, and I just haven’t felt like doing it. But I did find the energy to do some shopping! In stores! On Saturday, I had to drop my daughter off at a band event, and rather than going all the way back home (and then returning to pick her up) I decided to kill time at the mall. I KNOW. The mall on Thanksgiving weekend sounds like a really, really bad idea. It would have been okay if I didn’t go to the most crowded store possible: It was a madhouse, but I got our “Twisted Peppermint” hand soaps for the bathrooms, and a candle. Today (Sunday) started off with a 20 mile run. Well… let’s just say every run can’t be magical. I felt okay until the last three miles, and after that it wasn’t pretty, but I got it done. I think it had something to do with the fact that the “feels like” temperature when I finished was 88 degrees. Ugh. Not okay. My breakfast was truly a “between the holidays” affair… And then in the afternoon I had to drive my daughter to another band event (she’s volunteering for their gift wrap fundraiser) and this time I found myself near an Old Navy. Oh, why not? I got two Christmas t-shirts for myself, and jeans, pajamas, and cozy socks for my daughter. Everything I got was 50% off. I don’t think I’ve ever done this much in-store shopping on Black Friday weekend. When I got home I was ready to sit on the couch and watch football (and light my new candle.) My lunch was the last piece of pumpkin pie: The last thing in the entire world I wanted to do was cook dinner, so we got pizzas. Ah, I love days like this… every once in a while. Tomorrow we’re back to school routine and early wake ups, and I’ll be upset that the house is a wreck. Oh well… it was worth it. If you celebrated Thanksgiving, are you ready for the week to be over? Did you do any shopping this weekend? Header photo by Maëva Vigier on Unsplash