Weekly Rundown- Between the Years

It’s the last Weekly Rundown of 2023! The week between Christmas and New Year’s sometimes feels kind of “blah” to me, but this year I’m enjoying it. Our weather has been cooler than normal (yay!) my son is still home (yay!) and although I do have to work, my daughter is away on a band trip so everything feels… easier. I also took an extra day off exercise because I’m getting ready for two big runs. Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting! Let’s see how this week played out. Monday Christmas Day-off! I thought I might do a short run in the afternoon, but instead I took two naps. No regrets! It was a really nice day. Tuesday 4 mile run, followed by obligatory core work (dead bugs and planks.) This was the start of our week of incredible weather- down to the 50s every morning. Wednesday This would have been a great day for the gym, but it was also the day my daughter left for Rome, and all I could muster the mental energy for was another 4 mile run. Thursday Okay, the gym! I pushed and pulled the sled, did squats and deadlifts, then finished with the leg curl and leg extension machine. I’m still having a nagging pain in my right knee- I need to read the “Knees Over Toes guy” book I got for Christmas! Friday Another 4 mile run, followed by core. Saturday Off, other than mobility (this is the routine I do every day) and stretching. Yesterday I shared that I asked my daughter to simply send us photos from Rome if she didn’t feel like texting, and she’s proceeded to send the worst photos ever. Here’s another beauty: I would be wondering if she even made it to Italy, but luckily the chaperones are posting pictures from Pompeii, Mt. Vesuvius, the Pantheon… I can catch glimpses of her pink hair so I know she’s there! I’m not sure if she took me very literally and thought this was what I meant by “send photos” (she is a very literal person) of if she knows these are terrible and is chuckling evilly to herself. Sunday On tap- Long Run #1!!! Long Run #2 coming up Monday morning. I told my husband and son all I’m doing for the next two days is running, reading on the couch under a blanket, eating, and sleeping. My husband said “Oh, all your favorite things!” Yes! Eliminate the fluff! There will be none of this “going to work” or “cooking dinner.” Pare it down to the essentials. Are you celebrating tonight? – I’ll be living my dream of staying home and reading on New Year’s Eve. Happy New Year! Header photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash.