Weekly Rundown- Tampa Mini-Break

Hello! Welcome to the Weekly Rundown, hosted as always by Kim and Deborah. This was an extra-fun week, with a short trip to Tampa. I’ll have more (much more!) about Tampa on Tuesday, but for now, here’s how the week of fitness played out. Sunday Leg day at the gym! I pushed and pulled the sled… …and did squats, deadlifts, the Knees Over Toes exercises, and a little bit of abs. Monday Uneventful 4 mile run. Tuesday Off! I did my mobility routine in the morning, thought I would have time later on for some core work, but had a lot of prep for our trip (getting food ready, meeting with the pet sitter) and the day got away from me. Wednesday Long run! It was what I now consider to be a “short” long run- 20 miles. Of course, the notion that it was short was more psychological than physical. My back was hurting, AND I got stung by a bee! I didn’t actually see the perpetrator- I just felt something on the top of my head, heard a buzzing sound, reached up and felt an insect, and then felt the pain. I assume it was a bee sting because of how much it hurt- wow, I forgot how much bee stings hurt! i feel like I’ve gone past the “normal” long run woes- fatigue, heat, thirst- and have moved on to new and different problems, like hurting my arm (?) and getting stung by a bee on top of my head. But, overall it was fine and I finished strong. In the afternoon we left for Tampa! Thursday Guess what doesn’t feel great? Running 20 miles and then sitting in the car for four hours. My low back and right hip were so sore this morning. I went to the hotel gym, got on the treadmill, and did the workout Elisabeth and Birchwood Pie have been talking about- 3 mph, 12% incline, for 30 minutes. This felt GREAT for my sore areas. and I finished up with some core. Friday It came to my attention that our hotel was right on the river, and there’s a riverwalk path! I got out for a 3 mile run… …and then hit the hotel gym for a brief strength session. I did my Knees Over Toes exercises, squats, some light chest presses (this was the first time doing upper body since I hurt my arm) and then finished with core. Saturday Time for the annual FMEA 3K race! It’s an odd little event (3K?) but my husband and I had fun doing it last year. Unfortunately he couldn’t run it this year because of an ankle injury, so I did it by myself. It started at 6 am and was extremely informal- no official start or finish line. We all just started running, turned at the turnaround (marked by a cone) and then when we got back where we started there was someone standing there saying “Great job!” I enjoyed it, and we ran on Bayshore Boulevard, which I just learned is the longest continuous sidewalk in the world. I’m kind of bummed that I didn’t plan a longer run on Bayshore- but I’ll do it next year. I walked a mile and then ran a mile before the “race”, and then afterwards I hit up the hotel gym for some core and stretching. The truth is, my family was still sleeping and I wanted to give them a little more time before barging back into the hotel room. My daughter’s concert was in the afternoon, and then we headed home… and got back in time to see the Dolphins lose. Noooo! Sunday On tap for the day: SLEEPING IN. Brunch. Laundry. Football! My team may be out of it, but there’s still lots of good football to watch. It’s the last day of my son’s vacation before heading back to school, so we’ll be making the most of it. How was your week? Have you ever been to Tampa? Ever been stung by a bee (during a run???) Header photo by Chalo Garcia on Unsplash