Reading and Eating

I have some fun eats to share!  But let’s start with the reading.  My goal for January was to read six books.  Just like the rest of my January goals, I didn’t quite achieve that.  But I did read five books: And I’ve started two more. A word or two about Sally McRae’s book.  Sally is a professional runner.  She’s not a writer, but she wrote this book all on her own, without an assistant or ghost writer.  Keeping in mind that she’s not a writer, I thought she did an amazing job.  And in case anyone is wondering how someone can run these crazy distances (she’s won Badwater 135 and competed in multiple 200 mile races) a glimpse into her childhood is instructive.  Boy, did she have it hard.  It’s a sad story, but the book overall is inspiring. Let’s move on to the food! Sunday was my husband’s birthday, so I made a brunch. This was my husband’s plate, with a Just Egg omelette (recipe from Nora Cooks), air fryer potatoes, and coffee cake, once again from Nora..   My plate was a little less exciting, because I didn’t have the cake. This brunch was YUMMY!  But the fun didn’t stop there.   In honor of the Lions-49ers game, I made a Detroit-style pizza.  Actually, my sister and I had a pizza throwdown.  She made her own Detroit-style pizza and we compared and contrasted.   I used this recipe for my pizza, and subbed vegan cheese and left off the pepperoni.  This type of pizza is traditionally baked in a special “Detroit pizza pan”, but who has one of those?  As it turns out, my sister does!  I knew I would be fighting an uphill battle in this throwdown. Here’s my pizza (baked in a regular 9×13 metal pan); The sauce in three rows is traditional, but I wasn’t really a fan of that.  You either got a bite with a big glob of sauce, or a bite with no sauce.  I sauteed broccoli with garlic and red pepper flakes, but put this “topping’ under my cheese, to keep it authentic-looking. Here’s my sister’s pizza: I was ready to declare her the winner, but she generously said we could call it a tie, and the important thing was that our pizzas were obviously giving the Lions good luck!  It was a win-win!  Until it wasn’t… sigh.  So I guess we all lost. However, the leftovers were even better the next day.  The edges of the pizza got nice and crispy.  I don’t think it would fool anyone from Detroit, but we enjoyed our pizzas! Moving on- what to make for the Super Bowl?  My sister suggested Rice-A-Roni (that San Francisco treat.) No, I don’t think so!  (What in the world is Rice-A-Roni, anyway?)  I’m rooting for Kansas City, which probably means barbecue (somehow this seems familiar.) If anyone has any better ideas for Super Bowl Sunday, please let me know! What are you reading now? Are you going to watch the Super Bowl?  Who are you rooting for?