Weekly Rundown- ONE MORE WEEK!

I’m almost there!  My race is this Saturday.  I’m getting more and more excited every day- this race better come soon or I might explode.  Meanwhile, I had a good week, although (as I predicted) it was not without drama.  I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah as always for the Weekly Rundown.  Read on for details! Monday Our beautiful weather continues, and I had a nice 4 mile run. followed by Knees Over Toes exercises and some planking. In the evening I had an interesting conversation with my husband that went something like this: Husband: I just found out Ron has Covid. Me: Oh no!  Who’s Ron? Husband: The guy I sat next to last night. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! After I got over my initial panic, I calmed down a bit.  The truth is, we’re probably both- or, including my daughter, all three- exposed to Covid all the time.  I made my husband promise to tell me if he started to feel ANY SYMPTOMS (in which case I would immediately move out of the bedroom and wear a mask in the house) but otherwise went on living my life as usual- except that I went to bed at 9:30.  Finally, motivation to get eight hours of sleep! Tuesday I went to the gym and did the “Cool Bloggers Workout” (CBW) which is 30 minutes on the treadmill, 12% incline at 3 mph.  Then I did upper body weights, including (but not limited to) reverse flys.  Still trying to strengthen my upper back to carry my hydration vest for 50 miles! Wednesday Okay, so bear with me.  For the last couple days I was noticing a pain in my left shin.  I know what you’re thinking: “Jenny.  You can’t possibly have all these things actually wrong with you!  This is all in your mind.”  Maybe.  OR, maybe I tweaked it last week on that sandy long run.  I’m not taking any chances, so instead of running outside I went to the gym to run on the treadmill. First I walked for 20 minutes at a 12% incline (CBW) and then ran 4 miles.  I was prepared to stop immediately if my shin hurt, but it was fine.  After the run I walked for 10 more minutes at 12% incline. Then (knowing I wouldn’t be back at the gym this week) I did deadlifts.  Someone was using my usually rack, so I didn’t get to use the big plates (the little ones don’t look as impressive, ha.) Thursday It was an easy day!  I did a 2 mile walk and then the Knees Over Toes exercises.  On this walk I experimented with putting my headlamp around my waist. At night my daughter’s jazz band had MPA (Music Performance Assessment.) Her high school has two jazz bands, and since she plays guitar she plays in both of them.  Anyway… both bands did great, got Superior ratings, and it was a late night.  I didn’t get to bed until 11:00, wrecking my amazing sleep schedule.  Oh well. Friday 4 mile run!  Followed by dead bugs. I was dragging a little all day, thanks to the late night, but there was more!  On this night my daughter had Solo and Ensemble, where she played a solo, a flute choir, and a woodwind choir.  Once I got over the tiredness and crankiness at having to drive far away (again) I enjoyed it.  And she got Superior ratings in all her events! Saturday After two late nights, this was a planned rest day.  I was able to sleep in until 7:00 before going to work.  While at work, I discovered something surprising, which is that I’m on the schedule for tomorrow.  My manager claims that, when I asked for next Saturday off (to run my race) I said I would work tomorrow instead.  I NEVER SAID THAT.  One of us is crazy, but there’s no way of proving which one. I’m already booked with clients, and I don’t want to cancel everyone. Sunday On tap for today- 5 mile run, and then apparently I’m going to work!  Grr.  Then, home to get ready for the Super Bowl, hooray!  I’ve been going through football withdrawal.  We have a fun meal planned, and will be rooting for Patrick Mahomes.  Er, I mean, the Chiefs.  Heh heh. So, I finished the week with two healthy shins, and no one has Covid (yet.) My husband is healthy and I’ve been masking at work (and will continue to do so until after my race.) ONE MORE WEEK, WOOHOO!!!  I think I’ll make it in one piece. How was your week? Do you still wear a mask? – I forgot how much I hate it. Any big Super Bowl plans?