In Other News…

Have I mentioned that I have a race coming up on Saturday?  Hahahahahaha… I’m pretty sure just about everyone is aware of that.  Obviously the weather stalking, list making, planning, and worrying are in full swing, but there have been a few other things going on!  Like… let’s talk about the Super Bowl. What a great game!  It was close, exciting, and the correct team won (although some might contest that.)  But more importantly, I made a REALLY yummy Super Bowl dinner.  Instead of doing anything football-related, I just decided to make a fun dinner that I wouldn’t normally make.  I chose the Vegan Buffalo Mac and Cheese from Nora Cooks. GAH!  This was so good.  You make a cheesy cashew-based sauce that has hot sauce and plant-based ranch mixed in.  Nora’s version is prettier, because she garnishes it with extra sauce, but it didn’t need it.  As a last minute nod to “health” I threw a couple stalks of celery on my plate. And then we had leftovers the next night. Next topic!  I’ve invented a new thing called “reading in bed.”  Ha, well, MAYBE I didn’t invent it, but I haven’t read in bed at night in years… like, probably since my kids were born.  My husband usually goes to bed before me, and I normally read at night on the couch in the living room. Last week I decided to shake things up, and in an effort to get more sleep, I started getting in bed early- between 8:30-9:00 with my book.  I love it!  It really relaxes me, and somehow it’s soothing to hear my husband out puttering around the house.  The only danger is, sometimes it’s hard to put my book down and go to sleep.  But I’ve been pretty good about turning the light off by 9:30 or 10:00 at the latest.  I get a gold start sticker in my planner (thank you, Elisabeth for that idea!) if I turn the light off by 9:30, so that gives me extra motivation. And what am I reading?  In addition to My Brilliant Friend (Cool Bloggers Book Club book) I’m reading this book: Lindsay mentioned that she loves Ann Cleeves, so I decided to check her out.  So far I’m loving this book- but it’s a mystery, so I’m going to give my final verdict after I finish it.  Nothing worse than a great mystery with a disappointing ending.  I trust you, Lindsay, but I’ve been burned before. And that’s it!  I’ll be back soon with some final pre-race thoughts. Did you watch the Super Bowl?  Did you make any fun food? What are you reading? Header photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash