February Runfessions

Well, let’s see! In the past week I sprained my ankle, nearly froze to death, and DNF’d my big race. After all that, what more could there be to runfess? Oh, I can probably come up with a few things! Thanks as always to Marcia. What would we do without her monthly “runfessional?” The first thing I would runfess is that I haven’t really been missing running this week. I know! Who am I? I guess I knew I wouldn’t be running anyway (when I, ahem, thought I would be running 50 miles on Saturday) so I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything. I’ve seen a lot of the bike at the gym this week…. but I’ll runfess that my good attitude might start to wane if I’m on the bike much longer. I’ll also runfess that I’m, er, enjoying my race “swag.” This race was minimalistic in that department. When I checked in I got a nice sticker and a cap. It wasn’t much, but that’s okay (I thought), I’ll be getting a medal at the finish. (oh, no you won’t!) What I did get is a lovely towel- the towel they wrapped around me at the aid station when I was shaking and shivering. Three hours later, no one could remember who it belonged to, and my aid station friend probably just wanted me and the wet, grubby, muddy towel OUT OF HIS TRUCK. So he told me to keep it. That’s it! Come back on Sunday for the Weekly Rundown, where you’ll hear more than you ever wanted to know about my ankle. What’s the weirdest race swag you’ve ever gotten? Header photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash