March Coffee Date!

Boy, February was a month that really didn’t need an extra day. How do you like my new “dumpster fire” mug? I definitely don’t need any new mugs, but this one was just too perfect to pass up. I’m drinking delicious Earl Grey tea while joining Coco and Deborah for this Ultimate coffee date. So why was February such a dumpster fire? Glad you asked! Pour yourself a nice, big cup of coffee and I’ll tell you all about it. Obviously, everyone knows I DNF’d my race. That was bad, but even worse has been hobbling around on an injured ankle. Yes, it’s getting better, but not as quickly as I would like. It’s exhausting and frustrating not to be able to walk properly, and it doesn’t leave me much patience for anything else. SUCH AS… Our dishwasher broke. This was perfect timing, because spending even more time on my feet, washing every dish by hand, was just what I needed! And then there were the snarky comments from my daughter, like this one: “You’re always hurting yourself! Why don’t you just stop running?” You know how, when someone has a big goal, people will ask “What’s your ‘why’?” And they’ll say, “I’m doing this for my kids.” Well, I would say I’m doing this in spite of my kids. Anyway, enough complaining! It’s a new month, and that means a new attitude. Several weeks ago Catrina left this comment on one of my posts: “I love the German word for joyful anticipation: Vorfreude (vor = before, Freude = joy). Many people say it’s the best kind of joy and I tend to agree!” In the spirit of vorfreude, here are some things I’m looking forward to in March: My birthday! I’ll be turning 58. The age doesn’t bother me, especially because I thought I already WAS 58. Ha ha… does anyone else do this? For the last couple months I’ve been thinking I’m “almost 58” and then last week, when someone asked how old I was, I told them I’m 58. It wasn’t until a few days later that I thought “Wait a minute? AM I 58? How old am I, anyway?” No, I’m still 57, and on March 21st I’ll ONLY be turning 58. Hooray! I like birthdays. My daughter’s spring break is the third week of March. I’ll still be working my normal schedule, but with her off of school it will feel like a mini-vacation. I can get up an hour later and I don’t have to make her lunch or get her to school. OR, I could continue to get up at my usual time, and have extra time to myself in the morning. I’m still deciding how I’m going to play this, but I’m definitely looking forward to the week. Easter! Easter is not usually my favorite holiday, but this year my son will be home. He won’t be coming home for spring break (his trumpet ensemble is going to a national competition that week) so he arranged to come home for Easter instead. I’m very excited about this, and am already planning some fun meals. So that’s where I’m at: “New Month, New Me.” What would you tell me over coffee? Do you have any vorfreude for the month of March? Balloon photo by Morgan Lane on Unsplash Easter photo by Eric Heininger on Unsplash