Reading, Eating, and… Whining?

I had a post planned for yesterday, all about how I was still “making every day count” in spite of the less-than-ideal circumstances. But somehow it didn’t ring true, and I guess I just have to admit I’m struggling with it. When Sarah had her injury in the fall, and was so unhappy that she couldn’t run and impatient to get back to it, she talked about how she also didn’t want to just wish the days away. She still wanted to experience every day to the fullest, even though it was a tough time for her. It is a dilemma. Life feels kind of flat without running, going to the gym every day is getting old, and I want my ankle healed up NOW. In the weeks leading up to my race, in order to savor the time and not try to rush though it, every day I would tell myself “There will never be another day exactly like this one.” Now when I say that, a sarcastic voice in my head says ‘Well, I would certainly HOPE not.” Be quiet, sarcastic voice! Every day still counts. But let’s not dwell on it- we all have our challenges, and they don’t last forever. Let’s talk about FOOD! Two weeks ago I made these Gochujang Bowls (I used tofu instead of chicken) and they were so good, I decided to try another recipe from the same website. I picked this curry. When I first tasted it, it was a little bland. But what I’ve learned is, if a recipe has all sorts of interesting ingredients- this one had curry paste, peanut butter, coconut milk- but doesn’t taste flavorful enough, it just needs more salt. So I added enough salt to where it was delicious. It was also nice to eat something different- we all love tofu and broccoli, and could eat it every day. I have to push myself to have more variety. On a less healthy note, my daughter has been asking me to make cheesecake. I’m not sure if I’ve ever made a vegan cheesecake, but I checked my trusty source, Nora Cooks, and found a recipe for “The Best Vegan Cheesecake.” Well, okay then! Nora suggests using Tofutti brand cream cheese, but I haven’t seen that anywhere in ages, so I used Kite Hill instead. She also gives the option of making the full recipe in a springform pan, or cutting the filling in half and baking it in a regular pie pan. I chose the second option. Now, I know it won’t win any awards for presentation… … but it was DELICIOUS. My daughter and husband both loved it, and I even took a tiny, tiny taste because I was so curious. (I usually don’t eat desserts because I’m a recovering sugar-holic.) It was incredible. I’m planning to make it when my son is home, and I’ll make the full recipe. I’ll also make the suggested fresh strawberry topping, which my daughter didn’t want this time because she wanted the “full, plain, cheesecake experience.” If you’re looking for a vegan cheesecake recipe (and who isn’t?) this is the one. Moving on to reading. Eh. I made the grave error of reading another one of the books my client gave me, and it was not good. When will I learn? And why did I read the whole thing? To cleanse my palate after that, I’m re-reading an Agatha Christie. You can’t go wrong with her, unless of course you remember the ending halfway through- but so far it’s still a mystery to me (I probably read it originally at least thirty years ago, so re-reading works in this case.) Meanwhile, I’m waiting for some library holds to come in, and I’m especially excited to read Everyone on this Train is a Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson.. He wrote Everyone in my Family Has Killed Someone, which I really enjoyed, and this one takes place on a train, a la Murder on the Orient Express. I’m #2 on the hold list- hurry up, library! Have you ever made a cheesecake? Are you a cheesecake fan? – I never ate them much in my pre-gan days, and since I’ve been vegan I’ve probably only had vegan cheesecake at a restaurant… a handful of times? That’s why I had to taste this one! Are you reading anything good right now? Header photo by Nathan Dumlao