Weekly Rundown- Getting Unstuck

One of the worst things about being injured is, it’s so boring. I’m tired of talking about my ankle, but of course the week was all about my ankle, once again. I’m joining Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Rundown, but I’m also tired of talking about my workouts, so I’ll summarize the week thusly: I worked out every day except Saturday. My cardio alternated between stairclimber and treadmill, and I did some strength. One day I walked outside (top photo.) Two of the days I sprinkled in some 30 second running intervals! Shoutout to Darlene, who recently recovered from her own ankle sprain. She told me that at first running would feel “weird and scary.” YES, IT DID! But I did it anyway. On Wednesday I was determined to join Kim for her “Week of Pi.” I eked out 3.14 miles on the treadmill, and it was a comedy of errors. Since I was mostly walking, it took a while, and my treadmill cut me off after 30 minutes. I restarted it but then accidentally hit the emergency stop button ten minutes later. I restarted it AGAIN and cobbled together 3.14 miles, the hard way. But I enjoyed the challenge. (Happy belated birthday to Kim!!!) Okay, okay… let’s talk about the ankle (when this is all over I never want to talk about ankles again.) After making a lot of improvement the first few weeks, this week I felt stuck. My ankle is better than it was, but still slightly swollen, achy, and has a limited range of motion. I went to my sports chiropractor on Wednesday and Friday, and he used several therapies to get my ankle moving again, including a Marc Pro machine that sends weird twitches through your muscles that’s supposed to help drain out excess fluid. He also gave me some mobility exercises to increase range of motion. On a less happy note, in my last post, I shared that the race I was hoping to do- a 50 miler at the end of April- is now sold out. I was waiting to register until I was more confident that I could run it, and it went from 25 spots available on Tuesday night, to sold out on Wednesday morning. At first I was really upset, and was scheming to run it anyway. I emailed the race director and he said he’ll open up a waitlist next week. OR, the 100 mile race still has spots open- I could register for that and only run the first 50 miles… or maybe they would let me drop down to the lower distance if I’m on the waitlist… But then I started to feel like I’m trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. As Darlene said, ” You will run it if it’s meant to be.” (Hmm, I’m starting to think I should just hire Darlene as my life coach!) Maybe I’m trying to force this too much. My ankle isn’t even fully recovered and I’m determined to run a 50 mile race in six weeks? I’ll still put my name on the waitlist, but I also found some other races in May that are possibilities. They’re 50K, not 50 miles, which is a bummer, but I think I have to “unstick” my mind from the fact that I have to run a 50 mile race this year. It might not happen, and in that case I’ll just have to try again next year. So that was my week of getting unstuck, mentally and physically! I also grudgingly enjoyed the later sunsets… Do you ever get bored with your workouts? – It’s hard to get excited about the stairclimber and treadmill, over and over again. Are you adjusted to the time change? – I am now, but we had a rough start to the week!