Birthday Coffee Date

Yep! It’s my birthday (today as I’m writing this- March 21st.) I love birthdays, so even though I’m not doing anything super-celebratory, I’m enjoying the day. No need for the dumpster fire coffee mug this week! Things are going well. Grab yourself a nice, hot beverage and I’ll tell you all about it. First things first! I signed up for a race!!! Sweat, Swat ‘n Swear on May 26th. If we can ignore the name- which seems a little ominous- it sounds like a great race. I’m doing the 50K distance (there’s also a 10K and 25K) and it’s on the west coast of Florida, north of Tampa. My life has meaning again! I’m really excited about this, and it gives me plenty of time to get my ankle 100% healed. And, it’s “only” a 50K. I know that sounds ridiculous, but there really is a big difference between 50K and 50 miles (like, 20 miles worth of difference.) I was all mentally geared up for a 50 mile race, so 50K seems easy. At least it does right now- I’m sure it won’t be easy while I’m actually running it. But as long as my ankle cooperates, I can do it. Let’s move on to birthday week! Because of the way everyone’s schedules worked out, I feel like I celebrated my birthday for days. Tuesday was the only night my husband was free, so we went out for dinner and delicious beers. When they served the beers my husband said “Aren’t you going to take a picture?” Well… it’s the same place we went for our anniversary a couple weeks ago, and I got another IPA sampler, so it looks almost identical to that picture… but okay! Here it is. Again, we both ordered the only vegan thing on the menu, which fortunately is a very tasty tofu and broccoli stir fry. Fun night! On to Birthday Eve. Okay- Birthday Eve isn’t normally a thing, but this year my birthday is on Thursday- a work day- and Wednesday is my day off. So I took myself out for a little Birthday Eve celebration. I went to Barnes and Noble, where I sat and read magazines and drank tea for a long time. And then I browsed, but this time I was actually determined to buy something! A client gave me $50 as a birthday gift, and I decided to buy books with it. This was actually easier said than done, because while I love browsing, it kills me to spend money on something I could get from the library. I finally picked out two unusual-sounding mysteries… and decided to spend the last $15 ordering Nevil Shute’s The Breaking Wave from Amazon. My actual birthday was spent at work, but as we know, every day counts! I enjoyed the day. Even though we don’t make a big deal over birthdays, my husband and I both believe that everyone should have presents to open on their special day- so he got me a book light (for my new favorite pastime of reading in bed) and two tank tops. And he cooked dinner (best present of all!) What would your ideal birthday celebration be? Do you like browsing in bookstores? Do you buy books or get them from the library? Anyone else have a March birthday? Top photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash