Weekly Rundown- There’s Hope!

Do you remember how, in every made-for-TV movie in the 90s, at some point the main character exclaims, “I just want my life back!” That’s how I felt last weekend. I couldn’t even write the usual Weekly Rundown because I was so down and frustrated with my injury. But as they say, it’s always darkest before the dawn! Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting- this time I have a proper rundown. Let’s get right into it… Sunday This day was the turning point! I couldn’t face the gym again, so I went for a walk outside. My ankle was still very achy, but at one point I just thought “What the heck- I might as well try running.” AND… running felt better than walking. Don’t ask me why! I continued to walk, inserting 30 second running intervals, and ended feeling energized and encouraged. I followed this run with Caroline Girvan’s deadbug workout.. My new motto is, “when in doubt, do core.” You can’t go wrong strengthening your core. Monday Still feeling encouraged and optimistic, I went to the gym and tried deadlifts for the first time since the injury. Yes, I could do it! I also did squats with the bar- I didn’t want to get too crazy the first time back- and Bulgarian spilt squats. Those were SO HARD on the left side- just balancing on that foot is still hard. I didn’t even use any weights for those and it was exhausting. But, I left the gym feeling more like my old self. Tuesday Okay, let’s try this running thing again! I covered 3 miles, lots of walking, but threw in 30 second, and then one minute running intervals. The ankle is still achy while I’m walking and feels better when running. Again, followed it up with Caroline’s deadbug workout. Wednesday Back to the gym for a “long cardio” day. Well, I am training for a race so if I can’t do a long run (yet) I need to do something. 30 minutes on the stairclimber and then 30 minutes on the treadmill for the 3-12-30 workout- 3 mph, 12% incline for 30 minutes. What’s that, you say? A race? Well, YES!!! I signed up for a 50K at the end of May. It’s in Inverness, Florida, which is north and west of me- Sweat, Swat ‘n Swear. Yes, there will be plenty of sweating! Possibly swearing. But what is this about swatting? I’m not sure I want to know. I’m really excited about it though (in spite of the name.) Thursday More walking/running (same distance, threw in more one minute running intervals) and I tried out a new hydration vest. I’m looking for a vest with bottles in the front and more pockets to store things (such as, AHEM, a rain jacket.) I liked everything about this one, except that I think it will make me too hot. It was only 60 degrees on this run and my back felt hot- no way will it work when it’s 90. I’m returning it! Once again, followed this run with Caroline Girvan Deadbug workout. Friday Back to the gym. Bench press, reverse flys, squats, Bulgarian spilt squats (again bodyweight only- still so hard) and abs. Saturday Wait. Why am I only doing one minute run intervals? This time I did two minutes running/one minute walking. Hooray! Covered 3 miles, followed again by the CG deadbug workout. Sunday Off! Sleeping in… waffles… and then cleaning the house. My son will be home this week for Easter, and I’ll probably do some food prep today as well. My ankle isn’t back to normal, but I’m getting there. I do strength and mobility exercises every day, and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. And I’m running!!! Hooray. Any hydration vest recommendations for me? – I need one for HOT weather! Speaking of weather… are you getting spring-like weather yet? – Our summer humidity has returned. Top photo by Rosie Kerr on Unsplash