Weekly Rundown- Easter Week!

Is there such a thing as too many spring breaks? Possibly. My daughter was back in school this week (for three days) but my husband had his spring break, and my son was home! It turns out, having my son home while my daughter is in school equals a lack of sleep for me. I wanted to stay up later with my son, but still had to get up at 5:30 with my daughter. Oof. But the workouts continued! Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting… let’s get right into it. Monday This was actually the last day of my daughter’s spring break, which was why I was able to have such a bright and sunny run! 3 miles with 3 minutes running/one minute walk intervals. Followed by the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout. Tuesday Leg day at the gym! Wow, this one hurt (in the best way possible.) I continued to work on Bulgarian split squats, and they are SO hard on my left side (the side with the ankle injury.) I did a couple sets with just bodyweight, and then added a little bit of weight. Trying to balance on my left leg, while holding the kettlebell and trying to get my right leg up on the bench behind me, was actually comical. I almost asked a random person passing by if I could hold onto them for a second to get my balance- but luckily didn’t have to resort to that. But it took at least ten tries to get into position. I also did squats, leg curls with the machine, heel raises, soleus raises, tibialis raises- all to help strengthen that ankle- and abs. My legs were toast. At night, my son arrived! His flight was delayed and he didn’t get home until almost midnight- ouch. Wednesday Long cardio day! As I shared in Friday’s runfessions, I’ve been doing a “long cardio” (in place of a long run) to get ready for my race in May. I started with 30 minutes on the stairmaster, then ran/walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes (3 minute running/one minute walking intervals again) and then did the Cool Bloggers Workout- 30 minutes at 12% incline, 3 mph. Now my legs were REALLY toast. Thursday Perfect day for an upper body workout! I did the Caroline Girvan Deadbug workout at home, then went to the gym for benchpress, reverse flys, and overhead press with dumbbells. Friday Running! I did my 3 mile route, and increased the intervals to 4 minutes running/ one minute walking. This was the closest I’ve felt to “normal” since the ankle injury. I can mostly run and walk without discomfort- it’s only when I do the strengthening exercises that it still aches. But that’s okay! I’m getting there. There was no school today, but the high school jazz band went to an event in Orlando- my daughter had to be at school at 9 am, and then picked up from school again at midnight. MIDNIGHT??? Sheesh! It’s Good Friday! Isn’t it supposed to be a day off? I wasn’t too thrilled about this… Saturday …especially because I work on Saturday mornings. The lack of sleep was really getting to me, so I slept in as late as possible and did a quick core workout- again, Caroline Girvan’s Deadbug- before going to work. Sunday The trumpet shall sound! My husband and son got up early to go play two Easter Sunday church services. I decided that two grown men didn’t need my help getting ready, so I opted to sleep late, and so did my daughter. On tap for today- some sort of workout at some point in the day. How’s that for vague? We’re making an Easter lunch and a special Easter dinner, but I’ll fit it all in. Happy Easter if you are celebrating! (If you go to church and there are trumpets as part of the service- that’s what my husband and son are doing today!) If you aren’t celebrating Easter, I hope you have a fun and relaxing Sunday! Top photo by Emiliano Vittoriosi on Unsplash