Summer Reading Project

Spring Break is over, which means it’s just a quick downhill ride to the end of the school year (I know how fast this fourth quarter goes!) I’m starting to think about summer plans- a new strength training routine, possible travel, running goals… and this year I want to do some sort of a summer reading project. Last week I listened to this episode of Best of Both Worlds podcast, where Laura and Sarah talked about their reading lives. Laura mentioned that one year, her reading challenge was to read War and Peace. The book is divided into 360 short chapters, so she read one chapter a day, to complete the book within the year. Well, I like that idea! Fun fact, though: I already read War and Peace, as a teenager. And I enjoyed it! This gives you some idea of the type of person I was- I didn’t go to my high school prom, but I did read War and Peace. Yep, I was a total weirdo. In my teens and 20s I read mostly classics- all of Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, Thomas Hardy, Edith Wharton… just to name a few (a total, TOTAL weirdo.) Funny to look back on that time, because now it seems like I mostly read mysteries. So I’m not looking to read, or re-read any classics. I’m thinking more non-fiction. Something big and kind of daunting, that I could break into ten sections (for the ten weeks of summer vacation.) It could be self improvement, or philosophy, or maybe something spiritual (I’m thinking along the lines of Buddhism?) I want something that could be relevant to my everyday life. A biography of Abraham Lincoln, which I’m sure would be an educational and challenging read, wouldn’t really be applicable to my life right now (no offense to Honest Abe.) Also, it doesn’t have to be one large book. It could be a series of books, or different books on a similar subject, that would all fit a central theme. So you can see I have a general idea of what I want- but nothing specific in mind. That, of course, is where YOU come in! Please give me suggestions! Any ideas are welcome. I’m also going to Barnes and Noble this week to browse around to see what I can find. I’ll plan to start this project after Memorial Day. Do you do any reading challenges or projects? Do you change up your reading over the summer? Top photo by Blaz Photo on Unsplash