Q2 Plans and Goals

In last week’s post I wrote about summer plans. I know how the last quarter of the school year- after spring break- just flies by, and the summer will be here before we know it. Then I realized… I was treating Q2 as if it were just a couple months to get through before I could start my summer. Wait a minute! EVERY DAY COUNTS! In this post, Sarah talks about Q2- she divides the year into quintiles instead of quarters, and now I can see why. Quintile 2 is the time between spring break and the end of the school year. If you have kids, or work in the school system, that is a very distinct period of time- once summer starts, you’re into a whole new schedule (Quintile 3.). But Quintile 2 deserves some attention, too! I realized I don’t have to wait until summer to start a reading project. I ordered a book, which will arrive tomorrow, and am going to start a Q2 reading project right away (more on that in tomorrow’s post.) I was also waiting for summer to start a new strength program. Ugh- my strength workouts really aren’t getting me anywhere. I feel like I’m working just to not get any weaker, but not making any real progress other than that. I need a more organized program, but I thought I would wait to start one after my race, i.e. at the beginning of summer. THIS is why I don’t see real progress- there’s always a reason for not taking strength very seriously. Either I have a race coming up, or I’m recovering from one, or I don’t want to be too sore for my upcoming long run, or I just sprained my ankle (well, okay- that last one was a legitimate reason to back off the strength temporarily.) There’s NO REASON I can’t start a new strength program right now- there’s seven weeks until my race. Yes, in the last week before the race I’ll taper off the strength, but that’s still a while away. I’m going to try out a couple different strength training programs, and to start with I downloaded Sally McRae’s app. I have a free seven-day trial, and then I’ll decide if I want to continue with it or try a different program. Lastly, Q2 will be special and distinctive because, as I’ve mentioned just a few times, I AM training for a race! This race isn’t quite as important to me as Forgotten Florida was in February, but it’s still a big deal. I have to do long runs, I have to plan my fueling, I’ll be traveling and staying overnight, and it will be an adventure. The race is Memorial Day weekend, so will really close out Q2. My motto for the next two months- make Q2 count! Do you divide your year into quarters or quintiles? Or do you not think about it? Do you have any special plans for Q2?