Reading and Eating

Hello there! I’ve been on a roll with some great books lately! The latest one was this: Birchwood Pie recommended this author, and his books are unique. His writing style is a little dry, kind of technical, and just when you’re thinking “I’m not interested in all these details about boats and guns!” you realize the story is somehow very compelling. This one takes place before, during and after WWII and give a glimpse into the role women played in the lead-up to D-Day. And, there’s a love story intertwined there. I loved this book. Now, for my Q2 reading project. Are you ready? Here it is… Let me explain! Years ago, I had a client who, for some strange reason, loved to talk about quantum physics while he was getting his massage (Um. I know.) He probably thought he was dumbing it down to my level, but I could never understand what he was talking about. I actually dreaded seeing him, because I was always struggling to hold up my end of the conversation while also giving a massage, which was pretty difficult. Anyway, he doesn’t come in anymore (probably because he realized he was getting a sub-par massage) but he left me with the idea that a) there is such a thing as quantum physics, and b) it actually sounds like an interesting subject, if I could only understand it a little better. When I was trying to think of a reading project, I thought “Why not quantum physics?” We’ll just see how “easy” this book is though! I have no idea what the video training is- some kind of bonus. I’ll find out soon enough. Moving on to food. Last week was a new low in food prep. I made a peanut sauce and stretched that for a couple meals, pouring it over rice and vegetables. And I made a stir fry- I have now made the same stir fry so often that every time I heat up my cast iron skillet, it immediately smells like Chinese five spice. However, there was one highlight. My daughter asked if she could make Fettuccini Alfredo, WHAT??? She even looked up the recipe from Nora Cooks. Well… okay! Now, my daughter is an absolute beginner in the kitchen, so I had to help her a lot. But she really wanted to learn, and did as much as she possibly could by herself. The finished product was pretty good! There was one minor problem… this is a cashew-based sauce, and she didn’t blend it up long enough. Alfredo sauce should not be crunchy. But oh well- it still tasted good. The most important this is that SHE liked it, and is talking about making it again on her own. This is an exciting development in our household! Oh- and yes, that IS my Easter tablecloth still on the table. I guess it’s time to put that away! Have you ever read Nevil Shute? – This was the second book of his that I read- the first was A Town Like Alice. If you have kids, do they do any cooking? – My son didn’t, until he went to college. Now he cooks all the time.