Weekly Rundown- Never a Dull Moment

Oof, what a week.  My foot gave me some new drama, and I’m spicing things up with a new strength app (I’ll write about it in more detail later this month.)  Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown.  Let’s just see how it all went wrong… er, DOWN.  How it all went down… Monday I started the day with a lower body strength session at home- squats, Bulgarian split squats, Knees Over Toes exercises (lots of lower leg and ankle strength) and finished it off with the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout.. After work I got out for a run.  My race in May is going to be HOT, so I’m trying to run once a week during the hottest part of the day.  Our mornings are still pleasant right now- low 60s- and I want to make sure I’m heat acclimated.  In theory this is a great plan- unfortunately this run felt HORRIBLE! My legs just didn’t want to move, and the worst part was, my foot hurt.  The foot with the ankle sprain, but it hurt in a new and different place.  What the?… I have no idea why- I can only surmise that I was too aggressive with some of the exercises in the morning?  It was a mystery. Tuesday Moving on.  I’m trying a new strength program!  I got Sally McRae’s app, and did one of her upper body workouts, followed by Caroline Girvan deadbug workout once again. Wednesday Sigh.  The way my foot hurt on Monday’s run scared me enough to get back on the stairmaster instead of running today. 30 long minutes on the stairmaster, and then 30 minutes on the treadmill- the 3-12-30 workout (3 miles per hour, 12% incline, for 30 minutes.) Good workout- except I wished I was outside running. Thursday Another workout from Sally’s app- the Glute and Core Power Routine.  Wow, hard workout.  It had a lot of single leg moves that were very difficult on my left side- which means I need it, right?  Followed by 100 deadbugs for a little extra core. Friday The moment of truth!  All week long I was worried about my foot, and now it was time to try running again.  GULP. It was okay!  Something still feels a little “off”- I can’t explain it- but it didn’t hurt like it did on Monday.  4 happy miles!  As a celebration, I gave myself a break from deadbugs and did some planking instead.  I know- I really know how to live it up! Saturday OFF!  A glorious morning of sleeping in till 7:00, before heading off to work. Sunday On tap- 7 mile run ON THE TRAIL.  I’m looking forward to this!  I’ve missed the trail so, so much.  And I’ve missed doing long runs.  Seven miles isn’t LONG, but it’s long-ish and I’ll take it.  I’m heading to a very easy part of the trail- it’s dirt and gravel, no roots, no deep ruts, nothing my foot can’t handle.  Hopefully.  I have a great podcast cued up (the latest Choose Strong with Sally McRae) and I’m psyched.  Let’s all say a little prayer to the foot gods for this run. How was your week?  Any mysterious aches or pains? How was your weather?  – Ours has been really nice- lulling us into a false sense of security before hurricane season begins! Top photo by Mitchell Luo on Unsplash