Don’t Want To…
Do you ever have a morning where your alarm goes off and you’re like… “Nope!” That’s the way I felt this morning. There was nothing especially wrong- usually Monday is an optimistic day. There are new blog posts to read, new podcasts, a fresh start to the week- but this morning I just didn’t want to. There were even some things that were extra-good about this Monday. Dinner was already made (leftovers from last night!) I had a good trail run on Sunday, so I could stop worrying about my foot, at least temporarily. My daughter had a rehearsal after school, so I didn’t have to pick her up until 6:00. But I just didn’t feel like getting up and doing it all, all over again. It’s not like I do the exact same thing every day. Some days I run; some days I go to the gym; some days I do a strength workout at home. Some days I go to Starbucks after my workout where I drink tea and read blogs before work. It seems like I mix it up as much as possible, but still, sometimes it just feels like the same old grind. The only remedy I’ve ever found for this is to just get up and do it anyway. Having kids is great for this, because there’s not much of a choice. But let’s say I didn’t have to get my daughter off to school, and could sleep in, skip my workout, and get up barely in time to get to work. I would definitely end up feeling worse. I would also feel worse if I called in sick for no good reason, and I would feel worse if I ate candy for breakfast. All the things that seem like they would cheer me up would actually end up having the opposite effect, so I might as well get up and get moving. SIGH! Is it just a Monday thing? What do you do when you just don’t want to??? Top photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash