Reading and Eating

Oh boy- I read an intense book this week! Birchwood Pie recommended this, and I don’t know whether to thank her or demand an apology. Let’s just say, if you’ve ever wondered what a person is thinking when she’s about to have her throat slit by a psychopath, or wondered how the parents will react when they’re informed their daughter has been murdered, this book is for you. In addition to supplying all the horrible (yet fascinating) details, this book is a compelling, engrossing story with characters you’ll really care about. It’s a police procedural, which I don’t usually like- but I liked this. There’s also a romance in there, which I enjoyed. See, I’m not anti-romance; I’m just anti-BAD romance. This is a great read, but it will haunt you. When I finished it, part of me wanted to dive right into the next book in the series- but I knew I needed something a little more gentle. Sophie Hannah to the rescue! This is the fifth book in her “Hercule Poirot” series, mysteries written in the style of Agatha Christie. I love them! It’s a fun book to read, and although there are dead bodies, it’s not giving me nightmares. In case you’re wondering how Quantum Physics Made Easy is going… I finished it, and am re-reading it (for reasons which are probably obvious.) It’s a short book, but man… quantum physics is WEIRD. My cooking rut continues. I went on a sweet potato kick this week, and had three different dinners which involved a baked sweet potato, beans, a vegetable, and tahini sauce. I could honestly eat that way all the time, but the rest of the family is not on board with it. Sunday, my daughter wanted to cook again, and she picked out this recipe for lemon pasta from Nora Cooks, I’m trying to eat less bread and pasta these days (ha, does anyone else remember the episode of Portlandia where they decide to stop eating pasta?) but I wanted to encourage her, so we made it together. The recipe calls for spinach, but at her request we left that out and had a salad instead. In case you’re following along VERY closely and wonder why all my salads look the same, my daughter only likes romaine lettuce and avocado in her salads. Sometimes I’ll add something else to mine, but usually I just make the same salad for all of us. This dish was good! There are white beans in it, so I tried to get a lot of those, but I still ended up with a plate full of pasta. It was fun cooking together though. What are you reading now? Have you ever read anything by Linda Castillo? What’s your favorite EASY dinner? Top photo by David Lezcano on Unsplash