Coffee Date Runfessions

Did you know that if you get a tea or coffee at Starbucks, you can get a refill for free (or, 50 cents if you don’t have the app?) And they don’t just refill your same cup- they give you a new one. How did I not know this??? Actually, this is probably one of those things I was better off not knowing. Well, usually I don’t sit in Starbucks long enough to finish my tea- but every once in a while you have to love those double caffeine days! For this Friday coffee date, I’m linking up with Marcia and her crew for Runfessions! Oh yes, I have a couple. Remember how, after I DNF’d my race, I REALLY wanted to sign up for another 50 miler right away? And then the race I wanted got sold out and I was really upset? Well, that race is tomorrow, April 27th. I want to laugh and say how ridiculous it would have been to attempt it… but I’ll runfess that I’m actually having some FOMO. Yes, my ankle is still achy. My longest run so far since the injury is 10 miles. You could say that running a 50 mile race tomorrow would be insane. And yet… I kind of wish I were trying. I can imagine the excitement of showing up and just saying “What if…?” What if I could do it? What if it all works out? Ah well. I’m not running that race, so I’ll just have to shift my focus to the 50K at the end of May. Honestly, that will be challenging enough. I figure I have three more long runs, and they will have to be 13, 17 and then 20 miles. That’s a quick buildup, and 20 miles isn’t a lot for a 50K distance. But it is what it is, and I’m pretty sure I’ll be excited to show up and give that race my best shot. In addition to all the other crazy things I’m doing right now, I’ll runfess that I bought new shoes. I figured since I’m doing these trail races, I really should be wearing trail shoes! I went to REI and tried on so many pairs… The ones that were the most comfortable were the Altra Timps. So I got them! The problem is, they’re zero drop. I really tried NOT to get a zero drop shoe, but I didn’t like any of the others I tried, so here we are. In this whirlwind 50K training program that I’m in, am I really going to transition to a zero drop shoe??? I’ll runfess that the only time I’ve worn them is for a treadmill workout at the gym. This was only walking (at a 13% incline) but the shoes felt great. Next up… a short run in them, outside. Gulp! Other than the fact that I’m running a 50K in four weeks on minimal training, possibly in zero drop shoes I’m still getting used to, everything is going great! Really, it is. It will all work out. Have you ever worn zero drop shoes? – I have a pair of Altra Escalantes that I wear to the gym and to work sometimes- so I’m not entirely unfamiliar with them. Are you racing over Memorial Day weekend?