Friday Coffee Date- Managing Expectations

Hi there!  Guess what I would talk about over coffee this week- my race!  Tomorrow after work I’ll drive up to Inverness, about four hours away.  I’ll spend the night up there and then Sunday, run my 50K.  I’m excited!  But, it’s interesting to compare this excitement to how I felt before my 50 mile race in February. I was looking forward to it so much, I could barely contain myself for the entire two weeks beforehand.  Looking back, I did have certain expectations about that race. I trained for so long- it felt like forever- and did so many long runs, I absolutely expected to finish that race.  I also wanted to finish before dark.  As a matter of fact, I bought a cheap, inferior headlamp, thinking (hoping) that I probably wouldn’t have to use it.  So I did have an expectation of how long it would take, or more accurately, I had a time goal. This time, due to circumstances, I signed up for the race almost on a whim.  At the time I signed up, my ankle was still sore and there was no guarantee I would even be able to run it.  I threw myself into an abbreviated training program, topped out at one 20 mile long run, and said “Good enough!” Honestly, I’m kind of enjoying this more laid-back attitude.  Hey, whatever happens, happens!  I’ll run it as fast as I can (or, as slowly.) I’ve already completed a 50K, so I’m not afraid of the distance.  I’m just going to get out there and enjoy myself.  It’s nice to have lowered expectations.  Isn’t that one of the keys to happiness- expect less?  I’ve mastered it here. Yesterday during my run I listened to this episode of Trail to 100 podcast.  Kathleen Hanley was the guest, and she talked about different ultras she’s run.  Her main advice for running a race is: Experience it, and be present with whatever experience you’re having.   Looking back on my 50 mile race- yes, it was a huge disappointment, but it was still an experience.  I got to see half the course; I got to see what goes on behind the scenes at an aid station; I found out what it feels like to DNF a race.  Not all experiences are rainbows and sunshine, but they all make up our lives. I think that’s why it was so easy for me to write that race recap. If I had thought “ugh, I wish that day had never happened,” well- I wouldn’t have had much to say.  But there was actually a LOT to say- I had an incredible experience to share, even though it wasn’t the experience I expected to have. Do I have any expectations for this race?  Well, I would like to make it to the start line intact, and I would like to get through the race with no injuries.  But there are no guarantees!  I’ll try my best to make it happen, and take whatever the day gives me. What would you tell me over coffee?  Have you ever thought about how your expectations affect your happiness? Top photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash