Friday Coffee Date

Greetings from soaking wet South Florida! After no rain at all for three months, we got the whole three months’s worth this week. Of all the times to have a flood watch, this was perfect, because it was the one week of the summer where my daughter had to be driven to and from camp every day. The camp is 40 minutes away, but add in traffic and rain, and it took a solid hour. Moving right along! If we were having coffee/tea together on this wet and gloomy Friday morning, I would say a big THANK YOU for all the responses to Tuesday’s post, where I asked for indoor activity suggestions for my sister’s visit. I appreciate all the ideas, and I’m also flattered that you guys think we’re such an adventurous family. Ideas ranged from rock climbing to axe throwing. My sister reads this blog, and before I even had a chance to read all the comments, she was texting me in alarm, assuring me that a nice visit to an art museum would be JUST FINE. I think the way she put it was something like, she envisioned them barricaded in their hotel room, while I pounded on the door, insisting that it was time for rock climbing. Now I feel kind of lame, but my two favorite ideas were going to a cat cafe or an indie bookstore (thanks, Stephany!!) But when I googled it, it turns out there are none in our area- we would have to drive down to Miami. We’ll see! Maybe I’ll surprise everyone with some kind of epic adventure… OR, maybe not. Speaking of bookstores, on Wednesday (my day off) after the rainy drive to camp, I went to Barnes and Noble. I’ve mentioned that my house is feeling crowded these days, and it was lovely to have a mini-getaway like this. There’s nothing cozier than a bookstore on a rainy day. I browsed for a long time and then sat in the cafe sipping tea. I also browsed the cards, and found this one. The hours at Barnes and Noble were my oxygen (thanks, Elisabeth!) and afterwards I was ready to deal with the rain, the driving, and all the other challenges of life and parenthood. What would you tell me over coffee? What was your oxygen this week?