Reading and Eating

Well, I finished this book: I liked it, but didn’t LOVE it.  It was interesting, complicated, and weird.  In the afterword, Turton explains that he’s set himself the task of writing each of his books in a completely different style and genre (he says the next one will probably be a contemporary thriller.) I liked this one, and I liked The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle, so I’ll probably read his next book as well. Since this is a busy week with visitors in town, I went with some light reading: It’s kind of weird to describe a book about a woman who may or may not have murdered her best friend as “light,” but it’s easy reading and funny.  I’ve only just started it, but I think it will be an enjoyable read for the week. Let’s talk about EATING!  We’ve had some delicious meals lately!  Actually, now that I think about it, they were all today.  First up was a brunch with Nora’s Just Egg Quiche, bagels, and (not pictured) fruit.  And mimosas.  JUST KIDDING.  I don’t even like mimosas, and I can never understand the concept of boozing it up in the morning.  We saved that for later in the day. Later, my son and I made epic burritos for dinner!  He made the “meat” from Impossible ground, and we made lime cilantro rice, refried beans (well, those were from a can), guacamole, mango salsa, and a cabbage slaw.  This meal was SO GOOD. But we didn’t stop there!  For dessert I made Nora’s Best Vegan Cheesecake.  It came out really well, and everyone loved it. Since that was a big day of cooking, Wednesday we’re eating out.  Pizza party coming up on Thursday! What are you reading? Do you like mimosas at brunch? Top photo by Nadine Primeau on Unsplash (unfortunately that was not something we made- but it looks good!)