Friday Coffee Date

Sigh!  This is a melancholy Friday for me because I had to say goodbye to my sister and brother in law.  Remember how I didn’t know what to do with them while they were here?  It turns out that was not a problem.  Grab your coffee (tea) and I’ll tell you all about it! First of all, we had the best weather you could possibly hope for in June.  Of course it was hot, but our actual temperature was lower than the temperature in Chicago (where they live.) It hardly rained while they were here, and it was pleasantly breezy. We went for a walk in the park, went to the local art museum, ate dinner out one night, drove along the beach in the evening, and oh yes- I kind of forgot WE HAVE A POOL.  On two of the afternoons we just lounged by the pool, eating chips and salsa, drinking iced tea (and/or beers) and listening to a “Yacht Rock” playlist. It was like a trip down memory lane, because my sister and I reminisced about spending summer afternoons at the pool when we were kids.  So many of those 70s songs, we knew from hearing them played over and over again at the pool-“Rikki Don’t Lose That Number,” “Sundown,” “Summer Breeze”… we re-named the playlist “Gen X Pool Party” (much to the consternation and embarrassment of my kids.) What I learned from all this is, there’s plenty to do where I live, even in the summer.  I’m so busy complaining about the heat, I don’t take advantage of all the great things around me, including my own pool. This is a short coffee date because I am TIRED!  It was a fun and busy three days… time to get back to normal life again. Do you have any songs you specifically remember from childhood? Top photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash