Weekly Rundown- Lots of Spectating

It was a week of amazing athletic accomplishments! Not by me, of course, although I might have set a PR for most hours spent watching sports on TV. There were the Olympic track and field trials, the gymnastic trials, and then (as if that weren’t enough) the iconic Western States 100 mile race. Not to be outdone, I got in some great (?) pool running. Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown. Let’s see how it went! Sunday Since I’m still babying my calf, I walked 3 miles. In Friday’s post I mentioned that I’ve decided to work on my walking pace. Today’s a walk was 3 miles at 14:46 pace. It’s not running, but at least it’s something. Monday 45 minutes pool run! Sigh. Tuesday I did a total body strength workout from Sally McRae’s app, followed by the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout. I haven’t been doing my deadbugs as much lately! No real reason, I just felt like switching things up. Wednesday Another “exciting” walk! 3 miles, and this time I lowered my average pace to 14:10. Progress! Followed this walk with my new plank routine, including reverse planks and side planks. I can now add leg lifts to my side planks! Woohoo. Later in the day I got a deep tissue massage, focusing on my calves, hamstrings, glutes and low back. My therapist told me that what she feels in my calf is restriction in the fascia, and she showed me some things I can do at home to release it. I’ve been working on it! Thursday Another 45 minute pool run. I had some sore muscles from that massage! But I’m feeling optimistic about my calf. Friday Leg day at the gym! I did part of Sally’s “Bulletproof Runner” workout, plus squats and planks. I know you’ll be sad, but I forgot to take one of my awesome gym selfies. Saturday Off! And, Western States day. The livestream started at 7:15 am, so I watched as much as I could before leaving for work. When I came home from work I turned it on again, and watched all afternoon. In the evening I had Western States on my computer and the Olympic trials on the TV, and switched back and forth. Finally I got to see the great Jim Walmsley win the men’s race, and Katie Schide win the women’s. When I went to bed, runners were putting on their headlamps and getting ready to run all night. Sunday After watching all that running, I obviously have to run today. The calf is feeling good, but I won’t really know until I try running. Fingers crossed! And then… I’ll turn that Western States livestream back on. Runners will be finishing until 2 pm. I definitely want to see the “golden hour” finishers (the last hour before the cutoff.) Did you watch the Olympic Trials this week? Anyone else follow Western States? Top photo by Tirza van Dijk on Unsplash