Mid-Year Check In Part 2

When I did my mid-year check in post last week, I left out two very important things! One: I was at Barnes and Noble, and right on schedule for “halfway day,” they were putting out the 2025 planners. Just for fun, I looked through them but couldn’t find anything I like as much as the planner I have. This is a planner I picked up randomly at Tj Maxx because I liked the cover: …and found out that I absolutely love it! It has everything I need- plenty of space for every day of the week (equal space for weekend days), a “priorities” box, and I also like the “this week” and “next week” spaces. The back has a ton of blank notes pages, which I’ve been using to track my reading, my TBR list, and various other details. Since this was a random find at TJ Maxx, I’m worried I won’t be able to find something similar for 2025. On the back it says “Punch Studios”- is that the brand name??? I guess I’ll be going back to Tj Maxx soon and frantically rifling through the shelves to find “my” planner again. The other thing I neglected to talk about was my phrase of the year- “Every Day Counts.” This phrase comes in especially handy in difficult times. Because of an ongoing calf issue, I’ve decided to take this week off running, which of course means the week is going to suck… right? But wait! This week counts too! These seven unique and precious days, precious because the days are finite for all of us, count just as much as the most fun days ever. In order to make this week special, I’ve dubbed it the “week of strength.” Every day, in addition to whatever cardio cross-training I’m doing, I’ll also do a strength workout. Instead of “the week with no running” it will be “the week of strength.” It puts me in a much more positive frame of mind, and I figure- getting stronger can only help (right???) Do you have a way of reframing difficult situations? Do you use a paper planner? Do you buy the same one every year? Top photo by Crystal Y on Unsplash