Friday Coffee Date

Hello! Thanks for joining me for coffee (or, tea!) and random life updates. If we were having coffee together, the first thing I would share is…. IT HAS STARTED! (Warning: the following photo might make you scream in dismay… or squeal with joy?) Yes, this was at Michael’s yesterday! As soon as July 4th has passed, it’s officially “early early holiday season.” I know… it’s too early. But I secretly love this time of year. It’s definitely too soon to start thinking about the holidays… but they ARE coming! So much to look forward to- football, pumpkins, cooler weather (which we won’t get till November, sigh… but it WILL come eventually.) So, why was I at Michael’s? It’s in the same plaza as my new PT office, where I got some dry needling on my calf! I’ve never had dry needling before, but I’ve had acupuncture. In case you’re wondering, what’s the difference?- I would say there isn’t much. In both treatments, needles are inserted into the body- for acupuncture they’re inserted on points along the meridians, and dry needling is more of a western medicine-based approach, focusing on muscles and trigger points. The therapist inserted four needles (two into my calf and two into my IT band) and then attached clamps to them that sent an electrical stimulation deep into the tissues (which is the same thing my last acupuncturist did.) It made the muscles kind of jump around, and felt a little weird and uncomfortable, but not painful. I’m very hopeful about this! I’m going back for another treatment next week and then I’ll see where I’m at. I feel like I’ll be running again SOON. Meanwhile, you might ask, how’s that “week of strength” going? It’s going well… but I’m kind of wishing I had dubbed it the “week of sleep.” Sleep is also important for healing, and I’ve had some rough nights lately. I’m hoping to at least get a “night of sleep” tonight- I’ll take six uninterrupted hours, gladly! Nothing like setting the bar low. How is your week going? Have you had acupuncture or dry needling? Signs of Halloween in July- yay, or nay? Top photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash