Weekly Rundown- Adding the Sparkle Back

In one of my recent posts I said that my life is a little less “sparkly” when I’m not running. Well, this week I was able to add a little sparkle back! Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown. Let’s just see how this week went from gray to sparkly… Sunday I started the day with a 50 minute pool run. Finally, a slightly interesting pool running photo: I’ve been doing exercises to strengthen my piriformis muscles, and I knew there’s a good one in Brad Beer’s book, You Can Run Pain Free. When I dug the book out, I remembered that he has four hip stability exercises, including the piriformis one, and I decided to do them all. I used to do them years ago, but then I stopped. Why did I stop??? I re-committed to doing them on a regular basis. Monday I started the day with the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout,, and then did a 30 minute pool run. Later in the day I did the four Brad Beer hip stability exercises again. I’m on a roll! Tuesday I started the day with Caroline’s deadbug workout, and then a 40 minute pool run. Later in the day I had my second dry needling treatment on my calf, and then later I just did the Brad Beer piriformis exercise. My hips were a little sore, and I was saving them up for leg day at the gym! Wednesday As planned, I hit the gym, and decided to do a full body workout, including (but not limited to) squats, bench press, and rows. I knew it would probably be my only gym day of the week so I wanted to make the most of it. Later in the day I decided to go for a walk. In my running shoes. And, well, guess what happened… I walked two miles and then broke into a cautious run. My calf has been feeling good, and I wanted to get some feedback before my next dry needling appointment. I did run/walk intervals for a mile and my calf felt perfect! Thursday Ha, the result of my full body workout at the gym was that my entire body was sore today. I knew I should do a pool run, but I just couldn’t- I felt like I would have a mental breakdown if I had to run around and around in the pool again. I did the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout and called it a day. Later I had my THIRD (and last?) dry needling treatment. She gave me the green light to try a little running (er, oops- I didn’t mention that I already did that.) Hooray! Friday Okay fine. I’ll get in the pool. My calf was sore from the treatment- which is completely normal- so I didn’t want to do anything to stress it out. 40 minute pool run. Later in the day I did the Brad Beer hip exercises- everything was still a little sore from the gym, but these exercises don’t use weights so I figured it was okay. Saturday Run #2! This time I walked a mile and then ran/walked for two. I’m CAUTIOUSLY optimistic. My calf didn’t hurt, but I’ve been down this road twice before. I take time off, the first couple runs back feel fine and then the pain returns. I’m not sure if the dry needling worked, or if my calf feels better because I took time off of running. Only time will tell! Sunday On tap for today- sleeping in. Later in the day I’ll do some strength, definitely including the hip stability exercises. I do remember why I stopped doing them now- they’re boring, and they make my hips sore. But I’m determined to keep up with them this time and see what happens. What makes your life sparkly? Have you heard of Brad Beer or read his book?- It’s a good one! Top photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash