
Because I knew I would be spending a LOT of time watching the Olympics this week, I picked a book that I thought would be a quick and easy read. I’m definitely reading it quickly, but it’s not as light as I thought it would be. I knew the subject matter was heavy- a ten-year-old boy falls from a three-story window and is now in the ICU- but it’s even sadder than that. The story is told from the viewpoint of four different women whose lives intersect. Each of the four women is privately struggling in a different way with her attitude toward motherhood, career, and marriage. So much sorrow hidden from the rest of the world! I know this is a work of fiction, and I certainly hope most people I meet are happier than these women- but it reminds me of the saying “Be very kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.” You just don’t know what people are going through. Speaking of women… how about Simone Biles? Imagine the pressure she’s under. Everyone is watching her, especially after what happened in Tokyo. And on the first night of competition, she nailed it (in spite of hurting her CALF! I have some exercises for you, Simone!) That’s some mental toughness. It makes me think of another woman- Kamala Harris. Imagine the pressure SHE’S under! All eyes are upon her- half our country hates her, and the other half has pinned all their hopes and dreams for this election (and the future of our country?) on her. And she wants it! She obviously feels that she’s up to the challenge. Now that is a TOUGH WOMAN. Have you read The Whispers? Did you watch the first night of women’s gymnastics? Top photo by Suhyeon Choi on Unsplash