Ultimate Coffee Date!

Uh oh… it’s the return of the Dumpster Fire Mug! We’ll get into that in a bit. But first, it’s August. NOOOOOOOO!!! I don’t want summer to end, but it’s drawing to a close. Of course I’m talking about the summer schedule, NOT the summer weather. More on that later as well. Since it’s the first Friday of the month I’m linking up with Coco and Deborah for the this coffee date. Let’s do it! There’s good news and bad news. The good news is, I’ve set a new PR! The bad news is, it’s a PR for the most frustrating injury ever. Once again, I had two glorious pain-free runs, and then on the third run- BAM. The calf pain is back. Just to mix things up, it’s in a slightly different place. What the…??? My husband, innocently and foolishly, suggested that maybe it would go away if I just “took some time off.” YES I KNOW THAT. As a matter of fact, why don’t I just stop running altogether? Then the problem will be solved forever. Just a word of advice- never suggest to an injured runner that the problem will be solved if they stop running. You might get your head bitten off. I’ll go into more details in the Weekly Rundown on Sunday (bet you can’t wait for that!) so let’s move on for now. My son and I are leaving for Texas tomorrow! That’s right- we’re leaving the Florida heat for somewhere even hotter. The forecast for Waco next week is around 98 degrees every day, which is actually over ten degrees COOLER than it was last year when we were there. This will be our fourth annual trip to Waco for the beginning of the school year, and the first year where we won’t be running all over campus with a mini fridge, getting my son’s things out of storage from his friend’s attic (did you know attics get very hot when it’s 110 degrees outside?) or moving a bed across town. No, this year my son is going back to the same house he lived in last year, where all his things have spent the summer. All we have to do is… arrive. After the drive, I’ll have two days to relax and goof off in Waco before flying home. I’m psyched. Let’s talk about THE OLYMPICS!!! Are you watching? I want to see more medal ceremonies! I’m pretty much just watching the prime time coverage, and maybe that’s the problem. But I remember back in the old days, all we had was prime time coverage and we used to see ALL the medal ceremonies! We even saw medal ceremonies where a USA athlete got a silver or bronze. I remember watching with my mom, and commenting on some of the other countries’ national anthems (my mom especially liked “O Canada.”) Are you watching the Olympics? – Track and Field is starting!!! Is it still summer for you, or are you in back-to-school mode?