Texas-Style Gratitude List

On Sunday, Engie had a guest post by Kae. Kae posted “20 Things I’m Grateful For.” It’s SO easy to focus on what’s wrong in our lives, but in fact we all have so much that’s good. I was inspired to make my own gratitude list. Now, if it really were “Texas-Style” it would probably be 100 items long, because everything is bigger in Texas! I’ll just stick to 5- but since I’m in Texas I’ll go ahead and call it Texas-style. I’m sooooo grateful that we got out of Florida when we did! We started driving on Saturday- straight up the state and then over through the panhandle. Had we left a day later we would have hit some really bad weather, and had we left two days later we wouldn’t have been able to drive at all, as Hurricane Debby slammed into northern Florida. Although I’m not running right now, I’m very grateful that I can walk. This morning I had a lovely walk all over the Baylor Campus. I have to remind myself that some people can’t walk- and I was one of them a few months ago! If this trip had happened in March, I wouldn’t have been able to walk on my sprained ankle. So, I’m lucky. I’m going to copy Kae on this one- I’m grateful for indoor plumbing The book I’m reading (Ken Follett’s Fall of Giants) opens with a family living in South Wales in 1911. They do NOT have indoor plumbing, and use a communal “bathroom”, which is a brick hut down the street from their house. There’s a compartment for men and another for women, and each compartment has a double seat, so people use the toilet two by two. ACK!!! Very grateful for my nice, private toilet in my house. I’m grateful for podcasts! On the twenty hour drive to Texas, my son and I listened to Andrew Huberman, Ezra Klein, and a new-to-me podcast called “The Rest is History.” We listened to six episodes all about the buildup to WWI, which was a perfect prelude to the book I’m reading now. There’s a wealth of information out there and it’s all FREE. I’m grateful for money in the bank to buy groceries. We went to the local HEB to stock up on groceries for my son, and we got a lot! As much as we complain about the cost of food, at the end of the day we can fill our carts, swipe the bank card, and come home with all sorts of delicious food. Since this post is Kae-inspired, I’m including a photo of Charlie’s look-alike!!! My son’s roommate is taking care of his parents’ dog right now, so I get to play and snuggle with Baxter! What would be on your gratitude list? Anyone else grateful for indoor plumbing?