Texas Fun

When I was planning the “Ultimate Waco Adventure” (the last road trip to Texas with my son) I imagined doing all sorts of new and exciting things. I even contemplated taking a day trip and exploring the surrounding area. Then I realized- I had two days to spend in Waco. Other than graduation (which will probably be a very quick trip) it will be my last time there. I decided to just hang out, relax, and soak it all in. One thing I really enjoyed was my long walk around the Baylor campus. There were parts of it I had never seen, and I figured now was the time! I read every plaque and examined every statue up close. Look at this- a Black man, who was also apparently disabled, graduated from a university in the south in 1967. There was also a statue of a Black woman who graduated the same year. I wonder what college was like for them. My son and I both LOVE iced tea (well, I love hot tea as well- I like all tea.) He was very excited to take me to HTeaO (top photo.) They have all sorts of tea- black, green, sweet, unsweet, flavored… you can sample any tea you want, and then make your own concoction. I made a combo of unsweet raspberry, unsweet peach, and some black tea sweetened with stevia. I LOVED it! Because we were there during “Tea Happy Hour,” both our (giant) teas together cost $3.30. We went there twice, and I would have gone again if I had been there longer. I already mentioned the bookstore I loved so much. This was a sign inside the store: On my other trips to Waco I sought out interesting places to run- trails and paths along the river. But I never really explored the area right around my son’s house. Instead of going toward campus, I decided to explore the other direction. After a couple of blocks it became very rural, and it was lovely. So, it wasn’t a trip full of amazing adventures- but I loved it. I got to spend time with my son in the town he calls “home” (for one more year.) I’m sad that it will all come to an end, but I feel like I really got to know Waco well. And… there will be new adventures ahead! Have you ever been to Texas? – In addition to Waco, I’ve visited Austin, and ahem, spent the night in Houston. Do you like iced tea? Sweetened or unsweetened? – I usually like plain, unsweet black tea, but the tea I had in Waco was so good!