Weekly Rundown- IT’S STARTED!!!

By “it,” of course I mean school!  We’ve made it through an entire week, and even had our first football game.  Switching to an earlier wakeup was tough, which meant that workouts were slightly compromised.  BUT THERE WAS RUNNING, so all is well.  Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting.  Let’s get into it! Sunday I walked .5 mile and then ran 2.5 miles.  NO pain in my calf!  Woohoo.  I’m feeling encouraged but also afraid, so I’m increasing my distance very, very slowly. Monday First day of school!  I counted, and as a mom I’ve now experienced 16 first days of school.  Over the years, I have LEARNED a few things!  Mainly- the first day is hard so don’t plan anything else big, like complicated workouts.  I did the Caroline Girvan Deadbug Workout and my four hip stability exercises, and called it good. Tuesday I repeated the same run from Sunday- a .5 mile walk and then 2.5 miles of running.  Again, no pain, hooray! I had big plans to do a strength workout after work, but ended up taking a nap instead.  When I got up, I discovered that my daughter had also napped.  No, no, no!  I felt like we were trying to recover from jetlag, but doing it all wrong.  We just can’t get the hang of the early wakeups yet. Wednesday Leg day at the gym!  There were people using the main squat racks, but luckily there’s another rack I can use- it just doesn’t have the larger plates, which I like because it looks like I’m using more weight than I really am, ha ha.  While I squatted my puny little plates, I could watch the people on the other squat racks, one of whom was a woman who was squatting a mind boggling amount of weight. I did my usual thing of envying her, wishing I were that strong, feeling inferior about my own strength.  I finished my workout, showered, dressed, and then as I was walking out of the gym I could see the woman- who was already working out when I got there- was still there working.  And I realized- THAT’S why she’s stronger than I am. I reminded me of  Kae’s post from this week about matching your expectations to the energy you’re willing to give.  The truth is, I’m kind of dedicated to strength training, but not really that much.  That’s why I’m kind of strong but not super strong.  This is all the energy I’m willing to spend on it right now, and I have to accept the outcome. Thursday I may not have squatted heavy weights, but I was VERY sore today.  I ran 3 miles (woohoo!) and then did some planks and my piriformis exercises. At night, I went to the first high school football game!  It was the earliest first game ever- usually we have a few weeks, but this was on the fourth day of school.  Was the band ready?  Well, let’s just say what they lacked in precision, they made up for in unbridled enthusiasm.  It was really fun to watch them- even in the stands, they have all sorts of choreographed moves.  Oh and our team won- great way to kick off the season. Friday All right.  WHOSE stupid idea was it to have a football game on THURSDAY NIGHT???  Isn’t this hard enough?  It’s like there’s some conspiracy to keep us from getting enough sleep. My legs were STILL sore from Wednesday’s workout! I did the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout, and an upper body workout from Sally McRae’s app. Saturday Will this leg soreness ever go away?  I got out for a run and went 3.3 miles.  I was going for 3.5 but towards the end I thought I felt a twinge in my calf- okay universe, I’m listening!  I was in my neighborhood anyway so I stopped running immediately. At night my husband and I went out for an “end of summer” date (his school starts back with students tomorrow.) We got some delicious beers! I love IPAs so much, but I hardly ever drink anymore (sadly.) We also got delicious veggie burgers- fun night! Sunday On tap for today- leg day at the gym?  I use a question mark because as I’m writing this (on Saturday night) my legs are still sore from Wednesday.  But my son assures me that it’s okay to work out again if you’re still just a little bit sore, so I guess that’s what I’ll do. The week had some challenges, but was overall good!  And I’m glad it’s over.  The first week back is hard. How was your week?  Did school start where you are? Do you have any areas of your life where your expectations don’t match the energy you’re willing to give?