
I usually do a “Reading and Eating” post on Wednesdays.  The problem is, I just finished Ken Follett’s Fall of Giants, and I can’t stop talking about it.  The book follows multiple storylines, taking the characters from 1911-1918 during the Great War in Europe. Simultaneously, I listened to ten episodes of a history podcast about the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the lead up to World War I.  I’m obsessed with the question: if Gavrilo Princip had not murdered Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo- let’s imagine that he shot at him and missed- could World War I have been avoided? I think it’s possible!  There might have been a smaller war in Europe, perhaps between Austria and Serbia, or possibly no war at all.  And without Germany’s humiliation after World War I, there would have been no Nazi party and Hitler coming to power, and no World War II. It’s mind boggling to think of the catastrophe of those wars being avoided.  On the other hand, if you change those events maybe something worse could have happened.  Offhand it’s hard to think what could be worse than the atrocities committed during World War II, but you never know. Anyway- all this is to say, I highly recommend Fall of Giants.  From listening to the history podcasts, I can attest to the fact that Follett kept very close to the facts, so reading these books is like a very, very fun history lesson.  The story lines are all compelling, and while those of course are fiction, you feel like it all could have happened.  After all, there were real people living through that time in Europe and the United States, and they suffered losses and triumphs just like the characters in this book. You can see how I can’t stop talking about it!  And the best news is, Fall of Giants is the first book in a trilogy!  I’ve already moved on to the “Rise of the Nazis” series in my history podcast, to get me ready for the next book, Winter of the World. While I’m waiting for that book to arrive, I’m tidying up some loose ends.  First, I’m finishing our Cool Blogger’s Book Club book: I feel like I did this book a disservice, because I tried to read it while I was reading Fall of Giants.  I kept reluctantly tearing myself away from the Ken Follett to read our book club chapters, and as a result I didn’t enjoy I Capture the Castle as much as I could have.  I’m happy that I can just focus on the book for the final few chapters. (Side note: It was Engie who recommended Fall of Giants, and she also runs our book club.  So even though it made no sense, I kept blaming her for my reading conundrum.  Yes, Engie, this is all your fault for making me read two excellent books simultaneously!) Then, a library hold came in: I said I wasn’t going to read any more Japanese mysteries for a while, forgetting that I had already placed a hold on this one.  Okay, I’ll read it!  It should be quick, and then I’ll be ready to dive into book #2 of my trilogy. Coming up tomorrow- Eating!  More Kamala Kookies and… a food dedicated to Tim Walz.  It starts with a “W”- can you guess what it is? What are you reading now?