Weekly Rundown- Moving Forward

All right, you guys- this was a hard week.  The previous week was so good!  Then my calf pain returned and all the good vibes evaporated.  I listened to the latest Sally McRae podcast episode where she talked about how sad she was to leave her daughter at college (YES, I KNOW THAT FEELING!) but she said it’s important to remember, when you’re in a hard phase, that there’s always another phase of life coming up.  The only way to find out what that is is to keep getting out of bed every morning and moving forward. Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting the Weekly Rundown.  Here’s the gory details… Sunday Leg day at the gym!  All the usual moves- squats, deadlifts, and some abs thrown in as well.  So far, so good. Monday When I ran on Saturday, I felt a tiny, teeny twinge of pain in my calf, so just to be on the safe side, I took an extra day off and did a pool run, followed by the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout.. Tuesday Here’s where it all fell apart!  I started a 3 mile run, but after a mile my calf started to hurt.  I made it two miles before I gave up and walked the rest of the way. Looking on the bright side, I did get to run/walk in the daylight- there was no school because of election day.  The other bright spot was, I was able to get an appointment for the next day with my sports chiropractor.  But I was pretty down overall. Wednesday I did the Sally McRae “Bulletproof Runner” workout before taking my daughter to school (where my sarcastic, angry inner voice was in full swing- “Yeah, I’m bulletproof, all right!”) and then went to my appointment. This is not the same doctor who did the dry needling- but I’ve seen him many times in the past and he’s helped me through plenty of injuries.  He did a diagnostic ultrasound to see if there are any tears (there aren’t) and then did an ART treatment to release the tight muscles (ouch.)  He recommended ART twice a week for the next two weeks- okay fine, let’s do that! Thursday 3 mile walk, followed by CG deadbugs again. At night, we had another football game! I usually just go to see the band.  Our team used to be terrible, but now we have a new coach and we’re actually good!  This turned out to be the most thrilling game I’ve ever attended.  We were playing the #1 ranked team (we’re ranked #4) and at halftime we were losing 13-0.  Our team came back to win, 14-13 with a touchdown scored in the last two minutes of the game.  SOOOO fun! Friday Okay, back to the gym for leg day.  The usual!  Good workout. Saturday Sigh.  3 mile walk.  I set a new walking mile PR- 13:28- and a new average PR for the 3 miles. All I have to do is walk twice as fast and I’ll be ready for the Olympics!  Hahahahaha.  I literally can’t imagine how to go any faster without breaking into a run. Sunday Instead of my favorite Sunday morning activity- a trail run- I’ll be doing my least favorite Sunday activity- going to work.  I added an extra day of work because I’m feeling guilty about draining the family’s HSA account to pay for my calf.  The ultrasound was expensive, all the treatments are expensive, and guess how much insurance pays for?  ZERO.  (DO NOT GET ME STARTED.) I’m just going in for a few hours- it will be fine.  At some point in the day I’ll probably do some sort of upper body strength, which was glaringly absent from my workouts this week. Forward!!! How was your week?  Can we turn the clocks back now??? Top photo by 愚木混株 cdd20 on Unsplash