My Mind Needs to Run

I’ve been running consistently- barring time off for injuries- since high school.  I’m always surprised when people parise my “motivation”- the truth is, I need it for my mental health.  Even with running, sometimes I feel like I’m barely keeping my head above water. As you can imagine, recently my mood has gotten darker and darker.  That nagging, sarcastic, negative inner voice is slowly taking over.  For example!  Recently Kae shared a quote: “Even if you don’t have all the things you want, be grateful for the things you don’t have that you don’t want.” – Bob Dylan’s father I love that!  I decided to list all the things I don’t have that I don’t want- #1. Cancer (“or, at least not that you KNOW of…”). ARRRG!  Be quiet, negative inner voice.  Now instead of being grateful that I don’t have cancer, I’m thinking that I really do have it but just haven’t found out yet. See what I’m up against?  Now let’s try making a list of good things: College football is starting!  The first Baylor game is this Saturday! It’s almost time for Pumpkin Palooza (you remember that, right???) I got a text from my son saying that his year is off to a great start (happy kids=happy parents.) The problem is, if just “thinking happy thoughts” made people happy, no one would ever be depressed.  If only it were that simple! Oh well.  Tomorrow is my day off, which I need badly.  I’ll go to the gym and try to work up some endorphins.  Then I’m going to Barnes and Noble to browse,  and sit in the cafe with a tea and my notebook.  In the words of Cassandra Mortmain, “Perhaps if I make myself write I shall find out what is wrong with me.” Have you thought about the things you DON’T have that you don’t want? Does making a list of things you’re grateful for make you happier? Top photo by Hendrik Morkel on Unsplash