Confessions and Runfessions

Well, it’s been quite a week!  I’m having a teensy snafu with this website- please bear with me!  You can still leave a comment, you just have to scroll waaaay down, past all my recent posts written out in their entirety (WHY DID IT DO THAT???) I’m working on it. As always on the last Friday of the month, I’m linking up with Marcia for Runfessions! First, a CONfession.  I’ve been a little down lately, and when I discovered the issue with my blog, I confess that my first thought was, “What is going to happen NEXT?  Is my house going to burn down?”  Then I thought about what it would be like if that actually happened.  Let’s imagine that everyone- humans and animals- got out safely, but our house burned to the ground.  Wow, that would really suck!!! I pictured us living in a hotel, buying all new clothes, desperately trying to replace our phones, laptops, and other necessities  while trying to deal with the insurance company… maybe my current life isn’t so bad, after all. Next up, a runfession.  I haven’t been running much lately, but my husband has!  Last weekend he ran the “Iguana Man 10K”. He had a great time, placed second in his age group, and made some new friends. I’ll runfess that I had some FOMO… until I saw the race shirt. Who chose that COLOR???  Is there such a thing as “neon chartreuse?” I think that’s what this is.  And why is the iguana wearing a sombrero???  My husband actually likes wearing race t-shirts, like he’ll wear them around casually or to run out to the store.  I’ve challenged him to wear this one in public, but so far he’s only worn it in the house. It’s hard to have a lot of runfessions when you’re hardly running, so I’ll leave it at that!  I did run once this week, and tomorrow will have my third ART treatment.  I’m working hard to fix my calf and my blog.  Wish me luck! Advice needed:  if you have a blog, how do you back it up?   Do you like wearing race t-shirts?  Have you ever gotten an especially ugly one? Top photo by Jeremy Lapak on Unsplash