Weekly Rundown- IT’S TIME!

Hey, guess what- it’s pumpkin time!  September 1st is the official start of Pumpkin Palooza, a festival celebrated by… well, very few.  But those of us who celebrate, do it very enthusiastically.  Light your pumpkin-scented candle and let’s get into the Weekly Rundown!  Thanks as always to Kim and Deborah for hosting. Monday I started the week with an upper body workout from Sally McRae’s app, and followed that with Caroline Girvan’s deadbug workout. After work I went to my sports chiropractor for the second treatment on my calf.  He did some scraping, and ART.  He suggested waiting a couple days to let the soreness from the treatment subside, then run on Thursday.  Okay! Tuesday 45 minute pool run!  I think this might have been my least favorite pool run ever.  It rained, and also with about 20 minutes to go my flotation belt broke.  I finished the workout awkwardly holding the belt under my arms. Later in the day I did my hip stability exercises. Wednesday Gym day!  I did 20 minutes on the Stairmaster, then did a hard leg day, plus bench press and abs.  I was definitely feeling down before this workout but felt MUCH better afterwards. Thursday Running day, finally!  I walked one mile and ran two.  No pain in my calf, but that doesn’t mean anything.  I usually have no pain the first run back.  But I’ll take a pain-free run any day! Friday Full body strength- hip stability, upper body (Sally McRae app) and core (Caroline Girvan.) After work I had another ART treatment on my calf.  It was painful but productive!  He suggested that, for now, I run every third day- okay, fine.  Any running is better than no running. Saturday Off- except that, at my daughter’s request, I got out our pull up bar and did some dead hangs.  Funny how hard those are now!  Am I going to once again start doing dead hangs and negatives, pretending that I’m working my way up to an actual pull up?  We’ll see. At night, WOO HOO!  The first Baylor game! We have an exciting new quarterback, and won 45-3.  Perfect way to start the season! Sunday On tap for today- well, it’s the third day so I get to RUN!!!  After that, the first pumpkin waffles of the season, and taking out my fall decor.  Don’t try to rain on my parade by telling me it’s too early- school has started, football is in full swing, and it’s September.  Pumpkin time! I’m still working on my blog issue- please scroll waaaay down to leave a comment (I don’t know why this happened, grr!) Do you follow college football? Too early for fall, or are you ready? Top photo by Dave Adamson on Unsplash