Weekly Rundown- Still Moving

Oh, hello!  It has been… a week.  Running is going well (still following the every third day schedule) and Pumpkin Palooza is in full swing- but somehow I feel like my life is slightly off track.  Well, I’ll just keep moving forward until things start to click again.  I’m linking up as always with Kim and Deborah for this Weekly Rundown.  Here we go… Sunday Running day!  I walked a mile and ran two.  Everything felt good! Monday No school because of Labor Day, but I had to work. I wanted to go to the gym, but the gym didn’t open till 8, WHAT?  If I have to work, so should everyone else!  Just kidding.  Instead I went for a walk, and I was very glad I did.  Sunday was rainy and gloomy, but today while I was walking the sun came out and I was happy to be out there.  3 fast miles! Tuesday This was a strength day at home including hip stability exercises, Bulgarian split squats, and the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout.. Wednesday Running day!!!  Wednesday is my day off, and I was so happy to run in the daylight!  Yes, it was hot- but so what?  I walked one mile and ran 3 with no pain, woohoo!!! Thursday More strength at home.  I did an upper body workout from Sally McRae’s app, and then the Caroline Girvan deadbug workout again.  Honestly, I’m getting tired of this one.  But every time I try a different ab workout, it turns out to be a million crunches that strain my neck, so I keep coming back to Caroline and her deadbugs. Friday Finally, leg day at the gym!  I did some single leg balance exercises, then squats, deadlifts, and abs. After work I had an appointment with my sports chiropractor for another ART treatment.  I’m… cautiously optimistic?  I’ve been through this so many times now.  My calf will feel great- until it doesn’t.  I’m hoping this time it’s finally healing. As I mentioned in Friday’s coffee date post, this was a tumultuous week.  But you know what?  It’s Friday night, so let’s just relax and enjoy- GAAAAAAH!  My husband brought in the mail and I had a frickin’ JURY SUMMONS.  For God’s sake, what is going to happen next???  I mean, I realize jury duty is not on the same level as someone dying, but I can’t afford to lose two weeks of work in November, our busiest time of year.  Well, hopefully I can manage to weasel my way out of this civic duty- sigh. Saturday Alright.  This should have been a running day, but my chiro always wants me to take a day off after a treatment, and the truth is, I was pretty sore.  I enjoyed sleeping in a little before going to work. In the afternoon I watched Baylor lose, and then my husband and I went out with some friends for a serious attitude adjustment. Sunday On tap- RUNNING!  Then, pumpkin pancakes and in the afternoon I”ll get some football-palooza going.  Trying to go into the new week with a good mindset! How was your week?  Do you like getting called for jury duty? (hahahahaha…)